Monday, December 24, 2007

Top 10 Ways To Support Someone In Being Their Best

By Karen Scharf

One of the greatest responsibilities we have is to support ourselves and others in living at our highest and best. Whether we're parents, partners, friends or leaders, it's incumbent upon us to help others to live as close to their unique potential as we can.

With everything we say and do, we're influencing, positively or negatively, the people we care about. The ideal is to do this with consideration and intention. Here are ten ways you can help others see and realize the best that's within them.

Believe in Them: We all have self-doubts from time to time. Our confidence is shaken. We lack the faith in our talents and skills to go for an important promotion or launch a new initiative. Having someone believe in you at these times is priceless. The stories of great men and women are saturated with examples of someone who believed in them even when they didn't fully believe in themselves.

Encourage Them: "You can do it. I know you can." These are words that are all-too-infrequently voiced. Sincere encouragement can go a long way in helping someone stay the course. The more specific you are, the better the results. "I remember when you got through your slump last year and ended up winning the sales contest. I'm willing to bet that you'll do even better this time."

Expect a Lot: We're often told not to get our hopes up. We're encouraged to have realistic expectations. But when it comes to helping others operate at their best, we sometimes have to up-level our expectations. This can be taken to extremes, but there are many times when a teacher, a parent or even a boss has required more of us than we thought we were capable. And we've risen to the challenge which enabled us to see further than before.

Tell the Truth: And tell it with compassion. We often avoid telling the hard truth because we don't want to upset anyone. We want to be nice. But telling the truth is a loving act. You may be the only person who can or will say to another what needs to be said. And you can confront someone without being combative.

Be a Role Model: One of the best ways we influence is by our own actions. Who we are speaks much more loudly than what we say. Don't think that people aren't watching you. They are. And they're registering everything about you consciously and unconsciously. We automatically emulate our role models. And we're all role models to someone so let's be good ones.

Share Yourself: Too often, we miss the value of sharing our failings. We don't want to be vulnerable so we hold back. In doing so, we deprive others of our experience, our learning and our humanity. When you share from your own experience, especially your failures, you increase empathy, you're more approachable and you increase your relatability to others.

Challenge Them: The word "challenge" has some negative connotations. The meaning we're using here is, "a test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking." We all need to be challenged from time to time. Doing it for another is an art form. Go too far and it will backfire. Go too easy and you will appear patronizing. Remind people of their commitment to being their best and state your challenge. "I challenge you to overcome these unimportant opinions and get on with the real task at hand, get the job done, make the commitment, etc."

Ask Good Questions: A good therapist or coach doesn't tell their clients what to do. They ask good questions in order for the client to understand themselves better, to get clear on what the issue is and from there to make good choices. You can do the same. By asking elegant questions, you cause people to think and come up with solutions. They'll appreciate it.

Acknowledge Them: You find what you're looking for. If you're looking for the best in someone, you'll see it. If you're looking for their failings, you'll see those. Catch people doing things right and tell them. When we acknowledge the good deeds of others, they tend to do more of them. Write a note. Send a card. Give them a call. Praise them in front of others.

Spend Time With Them: We love what we give our time to. By devoting your most precious resource (time) to another individual, you're showing them that you truly value them and your relationship with them. Invest time in your relationships; it's what life is made of.

Article Source:

Karen Scharf is a member of, an on-line community dedicated to helping you become your personal and professional best. You can download the FREE eBook How to Form Your Own Success Team at

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Power of Designing Your Destiny

By Adam Khoo

Let me illustrate to you a very well known example of the power of goals. In 1952, there was a research study done on the impact of goal setting on the graduating batch of students at Yale University. When asked how many of them had clearly specified and written down goals, only three percent responded. The remaining ninety-seven percent, despite being highly intelligent and hardworking, had no road map where they would be five to ten years after graduation. Twenty years later in 1972, a follow up study was done on the class of 1952. What they discovered was shocking; the combined income of the three percent who had clear goals was greater than the entire income of the ninety seven percent combined! Was it just a coincidence or does having clear goals really have an impact on a person's personal and financial success?

One classic example is investor Warren Buffet. Does his ability come about by chance? Absolutely not. From a very early age young Buffett was obsessed with making money and had a very clear dream of becoming the world's greatest investor. Born during the depression when his father was close to bankruptcy, Warren learnt about the value of money and the importance of being financially secure at an early age.

Even before his teens, Warren knew that he wanted to be rich. As early as elementary school and later on in high school, he would tell his classmates that he wanted to become a millionaire before the age of 35 (when he turned 35, his net worth exceeded $6 million). It was because of his goal that he constantly thought of ways to make money, while most other kids his age would be spending their parents' money.

He even memorized a book called 'A Thousand Ways to Make $1,000'. At the age of six, he started buying coke bottles at 25-cents per six-pack and selling them at 5-cents a bottle, giving him a 16% gross profit, as he would tell himself. At the age of 13, he got a job delivering newspapers and through innovative marketing and distribution strategies, he served five hundred customers a day. At the age of 11, he took all his savings and started investing in the stock market. His first investment was three shares in a company called 'City Service'. While most kids his age were reading comic books, Warren spent his time reading company annual reports.

By the age of 14, he started a pinball business and was earning $175 a week, as much as the average 25-year old was earning in 1944. Would he have taken all those actions if he never set a goal to be rich in the first place? Of course not. It was clearly because of his focus of energy and actions that allowed him to become the best in what he does.

What if you have no clue as to what business or career path to take? Well, it doesn't matter! Sometimes, just setting a specific financial goal will get your mind thinking and guiding you towards the right path. Before George Lucas left his hometown for college, he already predicted that he would be a millionaire by the time he was thirty. However at that time, his passion and dream was to make it as a racecar driver. It was after he suffered a terrible crash that he began to change his mind about that career.

It was only after that accident that he decided that he wanted to become a filmmaker. As a result of his focus on pushing himself to be the best in anything he did, he became a millionaire by the age of 28. However, the primary driving motivation of millionaires is not the money they will make, but the passion they have in what they do. The financial goal they set is only a means of measuring their success. However, what drove Lucas to give his all in the face of insurmountable odds to finish Star Wars was not the money he would make, but his dream of seeing his fantasy come to life on the big screen.

Tiger Woods never really set a goal to become a millionaire. However at the age of eight, he gave an interview on TV, after winning an amateur golf tournament. During that interview, he declared that his goal was to become the world's number one golfer and that he would break all of Jack Nicklaus' records. It was that obsession that got him to focus a hundred percent of his time, energy and thoughts into his game. Fourteen years later, Woods became the world's number one at the age of 22, again not by chance, but by design.

If you were to study the life stories of the most successful people in history, you will discover that their achievements didn't happen by chance. At a certain point of time in their lives, they dared to dream about something they wanted to create. They then allowed this dream to guide their actions until they made it a reality.

Article Source:

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his million dollar secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Get Out Of The Rat Race Now' at Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Law Of Attraction For Beginners

By Dwayne Gilbert

The law of attraction is a new term for a very very old concept. This is a concept that has been taught by all of the greatest minds in history in one form or another from Jesus to the Buddha.

The law of attraction is very simple in concept, though it does take work and effort to get good at and create incredible results with. However, with the effort and energy it takes to use the law of attraction, there is literally nothing you cannot have in your life if you so desire it.

The law of attraction states that what you think about and feel about the most is what you are going to attract more of into your life. It's that simple, but of course, it's not that easy.

The law of attraction states that what you think about and feel about the most will attract more things into your life that match or mirror those very same feelings and thoughts.

Now, we can begin to control this on a conscious level. It takes time and practice to get good at it, however, it pays in dividends. So basically if you think and feel negative emotions most of the time, you are going to attract more people, situations and things into your life that sustain those emotions and thoughts.

If you are a sad person most of the time you are going to attract things into your life that sustain that emotion of being sad. If on the other hand you learn to see and think and feel much more positive in your world then you are going to start to attract more people, situations and things into your life that will sustain those positive thoughts and emotions.

The trick to this is learning to watch what we are thinking about and how we are feeling. Most people simply wonder through life with no awareness of what they are thinking or feeling until after it is a part of the past, if even then.

Now you might be thinking, "Of course I know what I think and feel! How silly is this guy!" However, I assure you that you most likely do not know most of the time. See, we see or hear our thoughts in our minds, but we never truly pay attention to them. We might think nice car, and instantly to go it's a nice day.

Our minds and emotions are constantly jumping around to many different things all the time based on what is going on around us. But we must learn to put our mind and our emotions in the place that we want them to be.

Most people are living in the past or are detached from the present. What I mean by that is simple. Most people are either constantly being pulled by their emotions and thoughts based on what just happened or what they just thought about or felt about. Other people are simply detached emotionally from what is happening. Both of these are very bad when it comes to the law of attraction.

The emotionally detached people have a hard time connecting with positive emotions and what they want on a deep mental and emotional level. The people who are emotionally in the past are constantly chasing something that is completely gone forever and will never come back. Neither of these are in this very present moment, which is all we ever have. The more you can learn to live right now in this moment, the better off you will be all around.

So learn to pay attention to your thoughts and your emotions on a regular basis. After you begin to realize what thoughts you are having and what holds your attention both mentally and emotionally, you can begin to change those thoughts and emotions to be more in alignment with what you truly want.

The more you are able to keep your mind on what you want and your emotions on what you want, the easier it will be for you to get what you want. The law of attraction really is that simple. The hard part is learning to manage our thoughts and our emotions. Work at it, and I promise it will become much easier with practice, then you can begin to create magic in your life that others will look at in amazement.

Article Source:

Dwayne Gilbert is the founder of and the Wealthy Life Secrets Program. He has been helping people to Unleash Their Potential for over 10 years. He has helped people from all walks of life to get on a better path and to create the life of their dreams.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Secrets To Leadership Exposed

By: James Yee

Much has been written about leadership: rules, pointers, styles, and biographies of inspiring leaders throughout world history.

But there are certain leadership ideas that we ourselves fail to recognize and realize in the course of reading books. Here is a short list of things you thought you knew about leadership.

1. Leaders come in different flavors.

There are different types of leaders and you will probably encounter more than one type in your lifetime. Formal leaders are those we elect into positions or offices such as the senators, congressmen, and presidents of the local clubs.

Informal leaders or those we look up to by virtue of their wisdom and experience such as in the case of the elders of a tribe, or our grandparents; or by virtue of their expertise and contribution on a given field such as Albert Einstein in the field of Theoretical Physics and Leonardo da Vinci in the field of the Arts.

Both formal and informal leaders practice a combination of leadership styles.
- Lewin's three basic leadership styles: authoritative, participative, and delegative
- Likert's four leadership styles: exploitive authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative, and participative
- Goleman's six emotional leadership styles: visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and commanding.

2. Leadership is a process of becoming.

Although certain people seem to be born with innate leadership qualities, without the right environment and exposure, they may fail to develop their full potential. So like learning how to ride a bicycle, you can also learn how to become a leader and hone your leadership abilities.

Knowledge on leadership theories and skills may be formally gained by enrolling in leadership seminars, workshops, and conferences. Daily interactions with people provide the opportunity to observe and practice leadership theories.

Together, formal and informal learning will help you gain leadership attitudes, gain leadership insights, and thus furthering the cycle of learning. You do not become a leader in one day and just stop. Life-long learning is important in becoming a good leader for each day brings new experiences that put your knowledge, skills, and attitude to a test.

3. Leadership starts with you.

The best way to develop leadership qualities is to apply it to your own life. As an adage goes 'action speaks louder than words.' Leaders are always in the limelight.

Keep in mind that your credibility as a leader depends much on your actions: your interaction with your family, friends, and co-workers; your way of managing your personal and organizational responsibilities; and even the way you talk with the newspaper vendor across the street. Repeated actions become habits.

Habits in turn form a person's character. Steven Covey's book entitled 7 Habits of Highly Effective People provides good insights on how you can achieve personal leadership.

4. Leadership is shared.

Leadership is not the sole responsibility of one person, but rather a shared responsibility among members of an emerging team.

A leader belongs to a group. Each member has responsibilities to fulfill. Formal leadership positions are merely added responsibilities aside from their responsibilities as members of the team.

Effective leadership requires members to do their share of work. Starting as a mere group of individuals, members and leaders work towards the formation of an effective team. In this light, social interaction plays a major role in leadership.

To learn how to work together requires a great deal of trust between and among leaders and members of an emerging team. Trust is built upon actions and not merely on words. When mutual respect exists, trust is fostered and confidence is built.

5. Leadership styles depend on the situation.

How come dictatorship works for Singapore but not in the United States of America? Aside from culture, beliefs, value system, and form of government, the current situation of a nation also affects the leadership styles used by its formal leaders.

There is no rule that only one style can be used. Most of the time, leaders employ a combination of leadership styles depending on the situation. In emergency situations such as periods of war and calamity, decision-making is a matter of life and death.

Thus, a nation's leader cannot afford to consult with all departments to arrive at crucial decisions. The case is of course different in times of peace and order, where different sectors and other branches of government can freely interact and participate in governance.

Another case in point is in leading organizations. When the staffs are highly motivated and competent, a combination of high delegative and moderate participative styles of leadership is most appropriate.

But if the staffs have low competence and low commitment, a combination of high coaching, high supporting, and high directing behavior from organizational leaders is required.

Now that you are reminded of these things, keep in mind that there are always ideas that we think we already know; concepts we take for granted, but are actually the most useful insights on leadership.

Article Source:

James Yee is the webmaster of His tips on internet marketing is available at

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Honoring Who You Are!

By: Lynne Morrell

Winter is a time that many of us pull back a bit from our external lives and go to a quiet place of reflection. Whatever time of year it is, it's an excellent opportunity in which to discover or review your values. If it's winter, it may feel even more appropriate.

A great step in the exploration towards reclaiming your life is to understand your own personal values. Ask yourself this question: "Who am I?" The focus is on your own uniqueness rather than on the norms of society or who you "should" be. These values express the essence of who you are.

You can get a glimpse of your values by the choices that you make. For example, if you are someone who eats a balanced diet, gets plenty of rest and exercise, you probably are a person who values health. If you make careful choices about your home and garden, you may be someone who values beauty or serenity. If you choose to spend time in meditation or spiritual study, spirituality may be a value.When these values are present they give you a sense of rightness, a sense of wholeness.

Remember that the focus is on who you are. When I explored this, I kept coming up with values that sounded really evolved – but they were not really the ones that created a sense of inner calm for me, though they looked great on paper! I had to go even deeper and listen to what was and is of real importance to me. Use this opportunity to be honest with yourself.

Take some time to notice the choices that you make in your life. What are you drawn to? Who are your close friends? What do you value in these relationships? What do you enjoy doing when you are alone? What do you surround yourself with? Make a list of the values that truly express who you are. For example, I have a list of ten values posted in my office so that I can be reminded of what is important to me.

Once you have created a list, notice where your life illustrates these values. Does your work reveal who you are? If so, how? If not, are there actions you can take that will allow for this self-expression? Do your relationships disclose who you really are? Do you give yourself permission to fully express your values? If so, how? Are there places where you can enhance these values?

When looking at personal values and allowing them to be fully realized in your life, it helps to get support from a person you trust such as a coach, or a neutral friend. Find a person who can assist you in aligning your actions with your values.

Having clarity of your values gives you an excellent place to orient your life towards who you are and who you want to become. It gives you a place to build your personal foundation. Making decisions and setting goals through the vision of your values allows for greater definition and smoother transitions. If you are a person who enjoys creating New Year's (or any time) resolutions, I encourage you to orient these goals around your values.

I invite you to give yourself permission to honor and express who you truly are!

Article Source:

Lynne has spent years gathering tools to assist others to tap into their inner wisdom. Her work is about ways to accept, love, and honor Self, and to take the great leap of faith into being authentically you! Learn more at her website and her blog

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What Is Time Management?

By: Saleem Rana

Life in the twenty-first century is busy. No matter if you are a student, a businessman, a parent or a tradesman, time is a valuable commodity – one that needs to be managed and managed well.

Everyone has deadlines to meet whether it's as mundane as getting to the bus on time or as important as finishing an assignment by the due date.

Time pressures are always upon us. Yet so many waste time with procrastination, "I'll just have a cup of coffee before I start my work", or will fill their life with great time wasters such as checking emails constantly throughout the day.

Too often it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to get through all that needs to be done. But is that really the case? Or is it that you aren't using your time effectively.

You can't hold time in your hand and look at, but you do an awful lot of other things with time.

Consider this for a moment, how many ways do you use the word time in your daily vocabulary? You keep time, you waste time, and you pass time. You also kill time, take time and buy time.

There are many other references to time, yet how often do you really consider the minutes ticking by and if you are using them as effectively as possible?

Managing time may not be something you feel you can act upon, yet it is probably the most constructive thing you can do with all that time on your hands!

Time management can be thought about in many different ways, indeed there are numerous techniques to effectively manage time. But keep this in mind, time passes no matter what.

Realistically the only thing you can manage is how you use that time, how you self-manage yourself in a time constraint. Time management is all about increasing efficiency and being more productive.

Controlling this most valuable asset will give you exactly what you crave – more time! Wouldn't that be great? More time to do the fun things in life, more time to relax. Now that's something worth considering.

The importance of good time management cannot be under-valued. If you manage your time well, you will achieve more each day, have more leisure time, reduce stress levels by achieving a more balanced life and be able to meet deadlines with a minimum of fuss.

Do you think that's worth working towards? A life filled with more time and less stress. If those things are important to you, then it might be time to enlist a little bit of time management into your busy schedule.

Article Source:

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas. You can get more information on time management and being far more productive here: What Is Time Management?

Friday, August 17, 2007

How to Choose the Right Goals to Focus On

By: Adrian Kennelly

By setting goals, and measuring their achievement, you are able to see what you have done and what you are capable of.

The process of achieving goals and seeing their achievement gives you the confidence and a belief in yourself that you need to be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals.

Providing that you have the self-discipline to carry it through, goal setting is also relatively easy. The following section on goal setting will give you effective guidelines to help you use this technique effectively.

Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder.

Basically, you can choose to work any goal that you feel is necessary for your health, stability and happiness.

Goal setting is nothing more than a formal process for personal planning. By setting goals on a routine basis you decide what you want to achieve, and then move in a step-by-step manner towards the achievement of these goals.

The process of setting goals and targets allows you to choose where you want to go in life. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on to do it. You also know what nothing more than a distraction is.

Goal setting is a standard technique used by professional athletes, successful business people and high achievers in all fields. It gives you long term vision and provides you with short term motivation.

It helps to focus your attention and knowledge which helps you to organize your resources. By setting sharp and clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. You can see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless effort.

By setting goals, you will also raise your self confidence, as you recognize your ability to meet the goals that you have set. The process of achieving goals and seeing this achievement gives you confidence that you will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals later on.

Goals are set on a number of different levels. In the first place, you decide what you want to do with your life and what large scale goals you want to achieve.

Second, you break these down into the smaller aims that you must hit so that you reach your overall lifetime goals.

Finally, once you have your plan, you start working towards achieving it.

By setting up a structure of plans you can break even the biggest life goal down into a number of small tasks that you need to do each day to reach the lifetime goals.

The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime, as setting lifetime goals that gives you the overall perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision making process.

To help give you a broad, and balanced coverage of all important areas in your life, try to set goals in categories.

Once you have divided your goals into categories, you have to assign a priority to them if you want to succeed.

Article Source:

For more advice on goal setting, purchase the ebook Your Guide to Successfully Setting Goals

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Keeping Your Goals And Values In Line

By: Kris Koonar

If you want a successful career and a successful life, you have to make sure that your career goals match your values in life. This means that you should ensure that your goals are in line with the things that are important to you, and the things that matter to you the most.

If you do not keep the goals and values in your life matched, there is going to be only chaos and disorganization. You are going to be stressed and anxious all the time. This is because what you are doing does not match with what you believe in. You will not feel a sense of pride or success in your work or life. Knowing what your values are and sticking to them while meeting your goals will keep you happy and satisfied and will also keep you going.

Let us say you work with a company that conducts animal testing, and you are an animal lover; now it is going to trouble you to see those animals suffering. You are going to suffer because you are going have to deal with the turmoil within yourself seeing what is being done to the animals. You cannot say anything because your job or promotion is at stake. This is when your goals and values do not match.

All about your values
Values are those things that matter to you the most. Your values are what keeps you going and helps you lead a satisfied and motivated life. Values change for people over time. Your values when you were a teenager were different from the values you had as a child. Your values are influenced by various things, your environment, your social life, your peers, your mentors and other influences. Once you become an adult, your values will continuously be metamorphosing.

Recognizing Personal values
Each individual has different set of values. Some peoples values may be confined to their family, religion, work or spirituality. Most people have values like honesty, fairness, education, achievement, creativity, security, happiness, satisfaction, family, freedom or integrity. Knowing the ideal core values is simple, but finding what your own personal values are is a tedious and time-consuming task. Remember that each one has different values and the key to them being personal is that they are important to you as an individual. Think this through and then list down the things most important to you. Get help from those who know you the best.

Matching goals to values
It is extremely important to match your goals to your values. If you do not match these two, you are going to have mixed feelings either about the goals or the values. It will be like trying to work at two seriously different things at one time. You will get frustrated trying to cope up with the two. There are some people who while trying to manage their goals, are in conflict with their values and end up getting sick, disinterested and de-motivated with their jobs. This is worse if you are the owner of a business or an entrepreneur. Aligning your goals and values will definitely take you ahead.

Article Source:

Personal Coaching is now affordable if you know the secret. Yes you can have a Personal Coach create a life blueprint for you using our customized

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Focus Is The Key To Success

By: Kevin Sinclair

"Some people are just luckier than others, I'm never lucky" she says as she sighs, disappointed with yet another goal she thought she wanted to achieve slips away. "It wasn't meant to be for me" he says as he watches in vain as someone else takes the prize. I'm sorry, welcome to the real world.

Some will succeed while others just sit and watch. Could it have possibly been some obscure plan of our creator that some people should receive their desires and reach their goals and enjoy life with its full potential, while others simply look on? Hardly!

It's no secret why some people succeed in life when others don't. Unfortunately too many of us are in a state of constant lethargy, or worse still, sit in sorrow of our poor unlucky selves to see why they can only envy their successor. So to make it crystal clear to all I will tell you the reason in just two short words, "They focus". There is no magic spell here, no hocus pocus, no abracadabra, people who reach their goal focus. There is no predetermined life map here, no fabled destiny path, people who win focus.

To put things into perspective here let's just call "focus" the word of the day and take a moment to consider the meaning of "focus":
. The concentration of attention and energy towards something.
. Maximum clarity on an object or goal.
. Direct, uninterrupted view of a central or fixed reference point.

Now let's examine what it means to focus:
. To visualize and project concentration and energy
. To know and understand the objective completely
. To follow just one direct path onward.

Clearly people who succeed and people who get the things they want in life have intently taken the direction and followed the steps to their desires. People who win have known what they want and have simply focused to achieve the mark.

While most of us think that we focus, not so many of us actually really focus, they just pint and shoot. The achievers have taken the time to adjust the lens and set their sights directly at their desire for perfect illumination and clarity.

There are many paths in our lives destiny and those that succeed simply know the path they wish to follow and continue on the way, never wavering into terrains that don't lead to their chosen ends. Although winners are grinners, you are sure to find them along the way enjoying their moments and even humming to themselves like there's no care in the world. Why would they stress? Stress is what happens when focus is lost, or never really was.

Focus Training
Yes, focus can be trained. Runners can train, swimmers can train, and achievers can train. You have perhaps already begun your training in focus by reading this. Not to mention just like physical athletes various courses and training programs are available to you. Naturally these courses or programs are not compulsory in learning to focus. Simply making the conscious decision to control and sharpen your focus ability is an excellent first step in the right direction.

Carefully constructed focus training courses and programs work in just the same way with the same expected outcomes of any other specific training routine. A naturally gifted writer may take creative writing classes to enrich their already present talents. Without these classes they will still be the naturally gifted writer they always were. World class swimmers seek the aid of swimming instructors. They might not need to learn to swim, but there is no denying the influence the right coach has on their swimming career. You can concentrate on improving your own focus ability without hurting your cause one little bit, or you can seek the service of a coach to share the experience with.

There are times in our life's journey that we do encounter obstacles in our way. There are times we even loose our way a little. This is a part of the whole human experience. The difference between the achievers and the "wanna bes" is how we accept these challenges and what direction we take thereafter.

We may need a boost up over the fence, or we may need to work at pulling it down. They are really the only choices an achiever will make. Crying about it and loosing focus on the goal in some blind grief isn't even an option. Getting up, and shaking ourselves off and continuing in the journey ahead is regaining focus on the prize.

There are times when the prize may seem out of our reach. It is these times our focus isn't quite clear enough. Forgetting what we have learned about focus is completely out of the question. The trick here is to bring your focus in a little closer and work away at it bit by bit. Focus on this step, then focus on the next, but importantly visualize the goal and direct your energy toward achieving this end.

Our destiny has not been set in stone; we create this along the way. Focusing on our desires is the key to achieving our goals.

Article Source:

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.

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