Monday, December 22, 2008

Dare to Sacrifice - The Next Step Towards the Top of Success

By Arswino Sonata

This heading might annoy most readers who have unsuccessful lives. Naturally none of them are willing to live that kind of life. It is basically human that in our lives we are always in pursuit of comfort and security that come with successful life.

People normally have some dreams they hope to achieve. No one wants to live a life of failure. But regretfully only a few are willing and determined to suffer in making their dreams come true and in reaching success.

Personal sacrifices, whether it is your time, money or energy, are preconditions you have to make in order to realize your dreams. Any dream, however simple, still requires some of your time, money or energy. Nothing is free.

“To realize your dreams, you must dare to pay the price”, a wise man once said. If it is easy to have everything, most likely no one will live in misery, no one will live in poverty. But we know it can never be.

Lance Armstrong, the Tour de France champion is one true phenomenon. He fought against his cancer while competing tirelessly for championship, and amazingly he won them both! But it took Armstrong about ten hours of cycling training, four hours of reading and only five hours of sleep each day to make it to the top. And this price he paid is proportional to his great achievement of winning the Tour de France seven times, so far a world record.

You might by chance had a talk with some successful people around you and you would find that their success were not without sacrifices. Going bankrupt, working day and night, living strict economical life with whatever meals they got, finding no time for their families were just some of so many sacrifices that they must made to pull through.

But you must have faith that such sacrificing is only temporary. One day in the future you will enjoy the sweet prize of your sacrifices and hard works. You reap what you have sown. Sowing good seeds (hard work, sacrifice etc.) will result in abundant harvest. On the contrary, bad seeds (laziness, no sacrificing etc.) will produce little or even nothing.

Just contemplate this touching wise words: “to be successful you have to suffer first, but you will suffer much more if you are not successful.”

Article Source:
(my own article directory)

For more resources about inspiration and motivation, visit inspirational quotes site. Get free e-book of inspirational and motivational stories.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dare To Make Mistake, The Next Step Towards The Top of Success

By Arswino Sonata

Lots of people dare not to make mistakes. They fear they would be ridiculed or blamed by others. They fear they would loose their money and belongings or be under a lot of stress. But risks are unavoidable and they do pave the way you must tread upon towards success. Have you ever heard of someone who achieves success without making any mistake before?

So it is only natural that making mistakes in your effort to reach your dreams is considered a must, and you shouldn’t worry about that as you may get a lot of advantages out of your mistakes. By making mistakes at least you then can distinguish between the correct and the incorrect portions of what you did. Anthony D’Angelo said : “In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what to do the next time.”, and Robert Louis Stevenson even went to the extreme as to say : “Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits.”

You needn’t worry about anything as long as you keep on going by wisely learning from your mistakes and try even better. Problems occur when you stop trying after you did some mistakes. It would only justify the criticism coming from your family or friends such as : “There, so I told you before.” or “Come on, it is surely not for you.”, etc.

So important is this courage to exercise making mistakes or failure that one successful businessman goes as far as saying that he is so worried about his successor-to-be (that is his own son) because so far his son has never made any disturbing mistake nor failure. As Abraham Lincoln said : “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”

Article Source:
(my own article directory)

For more resources about inspiration and motivation, visit inspirational quotes site. Get free e-book of inspirational and motivational stories.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Your Self Improvement Guide to Success

By Gen Wright

Everybody wants to be successful in school, love or career. However, to achieve success, you need to work hard, have a positive outlook in life, and you must be willing to take risks. If you already have these traits but still do not have an idea where to start, here is a self-improvement guide to assist you to achieve success.

Identify the importance of success. You should have a clear definition on what success means for you. Set realistic goals that have quantifiable standards. It is better to concentrate on targets that can be achieved realistically, which can give you the feeling of satisfaction and confidence.

Observing successful people can have a great effect on how you look at life. Successful people can give you motivation, allowing you to work harder and follow the path they took. Spend time with these people, be an assistant and ask advice. You can learn so much by observing, studying and doing things that successful people do.

Do not be afraid to take risks. Get out of the box and learn new things. You cannot be successful if you do not aim high and act high. Do not wait for opportunities to knock on your door. Step out and look for them. In any aspect in life, successful people gamble. They make big decision and big investments. Risks are part of our lives and you have to face them. However, make sure to study the odds clearly and if you think that the consequences are good for you, go for it. Be daring.

Giving up should never be an option. Be persistent and do not stop just because you made a mistake or you failed. Failure will always be a part of success. Every successful person has experienced failure one way or the other. One thing that separates them to everybody else is their persistence to work harder and explore for better solutions. Think of answers to your questions. To achieve success, one must be willing to search for solutions even how difficult it may seem. Try every possible way by being creative.

You must believe in yourself at all times. Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. Develop those strengths and work on your weaknesses. You should know what things you are capable of accomplishing so that you can set realistic goals. Always have a positive attitude in life. If you believe that you can do anything and you can do better, you can be motivated to work on it and be successful.

Change is the only constant thing in life. Learn to accept changes as part of your success. If you think that the life you have now is not what you want, make a change. Change your attitude, your priorities and your plans. If you want to be successful in life, you must have the spirit to face every change you may encounter.

If you want to succeed, work hard on it. Never expect good things to come your way if you are not doing anything good. Success comes with uphill struggle, determination and sacrifice. You may need to add more time at work, more things to do, more problems to solve. This self-improvement guide is just one way to help you focus on your goal for success and the decision to act on it is in your hands.

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More self improvement tips, self improvement guides please visit:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Get More Done with a Great To-Do List

By Mike McCoy

Every business owner — every person, really — can benefit from using to-do lists, but most people don't know the right way to use a task list so that they can really get the most out of their day.

Most people just write down everything they can think of that they need to do in a particular day, as well as things they'd maybe like to do or things they think they should do but don't really want to. There's no effort to prioritize and thus you don't know where to start, what to focus on and what to ignore.

The result? A big mess of stress and an unproductive day.

The key to a to-do list that really works is taking a good, hard look at everything on your list and deciding if it really needs to be done that day and if you're really the person to do it.

When evaluating your to-do list, think about your goals for your business and what you want to accomplish this week, this month and this year as well as this day. If you've got a to-do list filled with things that don't bring you closer to your vision, see what you can to do put off (even permanently if possible) some of those tasks.

Think also about what things you can delegate to an assistant (in person or virtual) or pay someone else to do. Many cities and towns have errand services that can pick up your dry cleaning or do your shopping for you at a much lower price than your hourly rate.

While you're at it, remove any "shoulds" from your list. You know the shoulds — the things you feel like you really ought to do but you just don't have any enthusiasm (or time) for them. If you've overcommitted to something or someone you don't want to be committed to, be honest and up front. Remember, "I'm too busy" is a fine reason not to do something you don't want to do!

Finally, rank those tasks that are left in order of importance. What absolutely, positively has to be done today? Give those an "A" rank. "B" tasks are things it would be great to do today, such as the small beginning steps of projects that will need to be done later in the week. "C" tasks are low-priority; there's no deadline attached so you don't need to worry about them today unless you have time.

This whole process should take just a few minutes and will give you a much better idea of how you really need to spend your time today.

Article Source: is an expert at helping small business and home business owners get more done in less time so they can make more profits and take more time off. Discover More at

Thursday, October 16, 2008

20 Key Time Management Tips

By Sharon Alexander

Learning how to manage your time isn't always easy. This is because many times, people get caught up in devising time management methods and then have little time left to complete the actual tasks.

There are simple steps you can take that allow you to focus the majority of your time completing tasks at hand. Once you start repeating these steps, they will become part of your daily routine and you will never have to think about them again.

Time management is more than re-arranging your time, it's a way to manage your day in order to reduce stress, meet necessary deadlines and become more successful in your job.

Below, you will find 20 tips that can help you manage your time during the day and allow you to have more free time in your life:

- Create a list of daily tasks, weekly tasks and monthly tasks so you can determine the best ways to complete them

- Prioritize tasks so the most important ones are completed first

- Group similar tasks together in order to get them done faster

- Use technology such as email, voice mail, electronic calendars, etc. to save time

- Arrange meetings a few days in advance so everyone is aware of them

- Set weekly and monthly goals that are realistic

- Delegate responsibilities if possible

- Plan ahead as much as possible

- Try to make important decisions as soon as possible

- Determine which tasks take up the most time and try to find ways to increase productivity in those areas by delegating, rethinking your goals or finding time saving ways to complete the task in less time

- Form time management habits such as checking your email as soon as you arrive to work each morning or finishing paperwork in the afternoon

- Organize your office so everything you need is within reach or accounted for. Order supplies before you run out so you don't have to track them down later on

- When waiting for a client, get some work done such as reviewing documents, updating your calendar or planning another meeting

- Designate specific times during the day for returning or making phone calls

- Keep your desk and the rest of your office clutter free by putting all files, books and other paperwork away before you leave each day. Rinse out coffee mugs or throw away uneaten food items as well

- Don't over schedule your day as this may cause conflict. Be as flexible as possible when it comes to last-minute meetings

- Don't put large projects off until the last minute. Give yourself plenty of time to complete them

- Ask for help when you need it

- Try not to procrastinate

- Update all phone numbers, email and other contacts using a spread sheet program when you receive any change notifications.

These are basic tips that anyone can learn to use when trying to manage their time wisely. Keep in mind that some days will just be busier than others, so just try to do your best each day.

Article Source:

Sharon Alexander - Claim That For more career management information and to get a free job hunting report, visit Claim That

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Be Definitely Sure What You Mean With ‘Success’

By Arswino Sonata

What success really is? Do you call it a success when you own a lot of money, a luxurious car, a mansion with swimming pool or a big company? Are you a successful person when you’ve got a lot of important friends or when you are promoted to a high ranking official?

Well, it might not be so! Could you comprehend this true story about the owner of a big company who jumped to his death from the top of a multi storied hotel? You may have heard of similar tragedies now and then that took place somewhere. It seems that enormous wealth, popularity or important status does not necessarily guarantee anyone’s success.

Experts have tried for long to define “success’ and they concluded that in general, success is somehow always closely related to how much happiness is present in your life. Success and happiness form an inseparable pair. You just can’t claim any success if your family is unhappily in a terrible mess even if you‘ve got great wealth and fame.

But this should not mislead you into justifying that being financially poor and infamous is all right as long as you could feel happy. You see, it is very unlikely you could feel so if you being poor, are suffering from a severe illness that requires costly treatment, not to mention what the future will hold for your children whose education you can’t afford to pay.

So you need to balance your success with managing a happy life of yours. It is truly your deserved success when at the same time you are living a happy life.

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For more resources about inspiration and motivation, visit inspirational quotes site. Get free e-book of inspirational and motivational stories.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Moving Through Plateaus To Success

By Kevin Sinclair

Do you feel you have reached a plateau in working towards your goal. Don't get too discouraged, plateaus are normal. In fact, why not give yourself a pat on the back for how far you have actually come. When you first started moving towards your goals, you probably made some big strides and you got really excited about your progress. You probably thought you would achieve your goals in no time at all. Then you find your progress slows and you reach a plateau where there seems to be no progress at all. You are not alone.

Everyone reaches periods in which they plateau before moving forward again. It is just natural. You start out with a steep learning curve whenever you begin a new project. However, once you have got the basics down you may well begin to ask yourself "What am I supposed to do next?" or "I know what I should do, but just can't seem to manage it."

All growth happens in stages. From the time we are conceived our growth is exponential. Yet, from the moment our cells divide and multiply till our birth it will still take nine months. It will still be another year before we can confidently walk and then another fifteen years before we begin to drive. Do you realize that if a human being continues to grow at the same rate they did in the womb, they would be many times larger than that car!

Dieting is a good example of how this works. You can lose a lot of pounds quickly, and so you continue to expect the same amount of weight loss every week. Unfortunately, this is not the way your body works. Over time you do not lose weight as quickly as at the beginning of your diet. The main thing is that you continue to lose weight and that you do not regain it. It is far better to aim for a healthy lifestyle change than to simply target weight loss.

Most of us have heard kids say they can't wait till they grow up. We can probably remembering saying it ourselves when we were kids. The thing is, growing up seems to take such a long time, but everyone grows up in the end. Sometimes growth seems to plateau but it is still happening, just a lot slower than you want.

Just relax and stop worrying. Have some fun, take the time to get an education, learn from people who already have the success you want and enjoy where you are at right now. Sometimes we are moving forward when we feel like we are standing still. This is because we may not see any external signs of progress. However, there can be plenty of changes occurring on the inside which will eventually help us to achieve our goals. If you try to rush things, you can actually get in your own way. If you destroy a cocoon, you will destroy the butterfly. The incubation stage is also very important.

Top athletes and performers use their imagination to break through genuine performance plateaus. By visualizing the perfect accomplishment of their goals with clarity and strong emotion, they can achieve things they never thought possible. So can you. You can develop a daily visualization ritual and practice it until you achieve your goal in real life. This is a powerful practice that can break your plateau quickly.

The main thing to remember is to keep going and not give up. Keep practicing. Remember the old saying "perfect practice makes perfect" and persist until you get it right. Sometimes the breakthrough comes when we least expect it and surprise ourselves. Plan to celebrate and enjoy the moment you break through your plateau.

Don't be surprised when you hit the next plateau. You can expect to reach another one sooner or later. Perhaps you can use your plateaus as natural rest stops. By being disciplined and focused you can move from one plateau to the next. You may need to be a bit creative and willing to experiment to move from one plateau to the next. This is often how athletes break records. Above all, act with integrity. Achieving your goals is not about winning at all costs, it is about becoming the best you can be.

Article Source:

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.

Monday, September 1, 2008

When Is The Best Time To Start Goal Setting?

By Koz Huseyin

When is the best time to start goal setting? Is it when we are young, in our 20's, 30's or even when we reach retirement? Should we start goal setting when getting a job or even in education? Or should we start when going on vacation or not at all. In this article, you will discover more about the best time to start setting goals.

* Why Is Goal Setting Important In The First Place?
The process of goal setting is designed to focus us in a direction of our choosing. It is a conscious decision that we embark on.

This answer alone can give us clues to the importance of goal setting. Think for a moment, if you did not have a goal in the morning to go to work, you would not be able to get anywhere!

But, this answer gives us a false description of goal setting. Because now, we can easily think that everyone sets goals, and now the article goes out the window! But, the truth is that there is a big difference to the goal setting that goal setters do, and those that everyone else does. It is called conscious goal setting.

* When Is The Best Time To Start Goal Setting?
So, when is the best time to actually start goal setting? The best time is as soon as possible! Think for a moment about all these people who have a hard time getting up on Monday mornings! We all have been through that. It usually means that we work, not for the pleasure of work, but for another reason, money, so it can fuel our lifestyle.

You see, goal setters don't always live easily lives. Can't paint a rosy picture like that; however, there is a vast difference. People, who goal set are more likely to wake up on Monday morning enthusiastic about the day.

Quicker we can start to set goals, the quicker you can make your life go in a direction that you like. This is the world of conscious goal setting. Not, the New Year resolutions, but what you do all the time.

The best time to start goal setting then becomes, as young as possible. However, if you are reading this, you likely are a full grown adult. So, if you have not set goals before, it is important to start as soon as possible.

* Advice To Parents About Goal Setting
Goal setting is a fascinating topic. When we set goals, we automatically become successful people. When we set goals, we find that we can define success, and measure success. When we do this, we can build confidence, and live amazing lives.

When you take this goal setting, and hand it to your children with encouragement, you will discover that your children achieve more. From the grades they get, to later life, goal setting creates positive, happy, and successful people. It is one great gift you can give your children.

Article Source:

Find out more about smart goal setting and the goal setting system I use, and get your free eBook worth $7, where I give you the 10 best goal setting ideas. Get your copy by visiting:

Friday, August 22, 2008

How To Set Short And Long Term Goals

By Koz Huseyin

Is there a science to setting short and long term goals? And how do you set short and long term goals? As you read this article, you will find my personal chart on how to set short and long term goals.

Setting goals is great, however, what about the time? The question then becomes - how to set short and long term goals. Here is my chart with explanations on how to set short and long term goals.

(Long Term Goals)
- Lifetime
- 10 Years
- 5 Years
- 3 Years
- 2 Years

Long term goals are where it all begins. If you find that you are trying to set short term goals only, then you will not go far. Jesus for example was a very long term goal setter. His inspiration and divine message came to us with a long term view.

For most people, they look day to day, week to week. Making your goals stem from the long term, will mean you are a ship going forward, rather than trying to tackle a storm.

(Mid Range Goals)
- 1 Year
- 6 Month

Mid range goals are excellent. They are more tangible. Though they can seem like a while away, they still feel closer than thinking about a decade or a lifetime. Here is where adjustments are made, that take you towards your long term goals.

(Small Range Goals)
- 3 month goals
- 1 month goals
- Fortnightly goals

Small range goals are round the corner! They are goals which are easily set, and workable. Though they won't be large commitments, the incremental successes with these goals will take you forward to your long term vision.

(Personal Time)
- Weekly Goals

Most people stick here. It is the weekly pay check. It is what people are doing over the weekend, etc. These goals fall into what I call personal time. They can be great to measure, and see your progress.

(Personal Time - Micro Time)
- Daily Goals
- Hourly Goals
- Sub Hour and Minute Goals (every 30 or 15 minutes, and even a minute)

This area of goal setting is micro time, and personal time. Here is where action falls. And here is where it will make or break your future. If you want to breakthrough to success, you will need to take actions that lead you to your long term vision.

* How To Set Short And Long Term Goals
If you're wondering how you take this information, and how to set short and long term goals, you will need to think about the long term. The long term is the domain of the goal setter and goal achiever. When you can break down goals effectively into bite size pieces then you can succeed.

Success in the long term is born from success in the short term. Most people don't succeed because they focus on the short term, and forget the long term. Like ships at harbor, they bop up and down, but never move forward to distant lands.

Your vision is round the corner, but to get there, you will need to take action. But, first, you will need to know where you want to go. Don't do what many do, and wait because they don't know what they want. You need to focus on what you want.

Article Source:

Does this make sense? Visit the link to discover the full system I use to make 90% of my goals reality! Discover how to set short and long term goals now! If you are looking for a life coach, visit

Friday, August 15, 2008

Why Goal Setting Works For Goal Setters

By Koz Huseyin

If you have never set goals before, then you may be apt to wonder what all the fuss is about! For goal setter however, goal setting seems to bring a new lease of life. Suddenly life has a direction. In this article, we will look at why goal setting works.

Imagine getting in a plane, and the pilot has no idea of where the destination is. It is unlikely that the airplane will go anywhere! Goal setting works with the same premise because it is dealing with direction, and more importantly a choice of direction.

For most people, they don't have direction. We see this in the world, where many people hate getting up on Monday mornings! We have many choices in life, and all too often we only see the direction which is here, but not there.

As is said - the world is our oyster, and the only people who must have figured that out were the goal setters. You see, goal setting focuses us in a direction. Instead of floating like ships, we stop and ask - what do I want?

For many people, this happens as a new year's resolution. I am sure, like most, you have found how well New Year resolutions work - almost never. The reason is that we fall into a trap of forgetting about it within a few weeks, if not days.

This makes goal setting an important thing for the goal setter. After all, the goals you set will likely be new to you. You have never achieved them in your life. This makes the goal something that you really want.

Now, your passion is ignited and you set about getting there. As you act, you learn and apply. Through the trials and errors, you find that you have achieved.

You will want to set new goals, bigger, and better goals. You set those, and achieve those. Along the way, you will find ways to make achievement happen quicker. You will have a new lease of life.

This is how goal setting works. People become success junkies in the thought that - yes it is possible. No person has ever achieved success without knowing what that success looks like. After all, how will you know you have achieved, unless you consciously desired a certain success?

Think back to your last vacation. I bet a few days before, even weeks before, you was enlivened. You felt inspired, and the last day at work you worked your best. The reason was simple - you had a goal.

OK, so maybe more people goal set than we at first imagine. However, it is not consistent. It only applies with the public holidays we get or the holidays we are entitled to from employment.

When you can consciously take action in goal setting, and set about working on them, and achieving them, over time you find something amazing happens. Now you find that you are living your dream.

Article Source:

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find their own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality! Motivation And Goal Setting Worksheet Personal Development Articles USA Today Articles

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Leadership Skills: How to Be a Successful Communicator

By Jacqueline Moore

As a business leader, one of the most important leadership skills you'll ever demonstrate is knowing how to communicate. When you think about it, most business leadership consists of communication of one sort or another.

You hold meetings with staff or board members or suppliers, you interview potential managers, you meet customers and shareholders, you chat in the corridor or on the phone. All of these formal and informal moments offer you the chance to influence, to enthuse and to inspire.

So how can you make the most of these moments - how can you become a truly successful communicator?

Communication involves a variety of interactions. It involves discussing, and listening, and debating. But communication also often involves a senior executive passing on some information. This may seem a fairly simple task. But it's amazing how often business leaders don't give enough information, or shroud it in jargon, or tell the wrong people.

HOW you pass on information can significantly affect what happens next. If you want people (whether your staff or your suppliers or customers) to act on the information, you need to make sure they understand it. And that's not as simple as it sounds.

There are several lessons we can learn here from people whose whole business is communication. Journalists depend entirely on their words. And journalists are taught a range of tips and techniques for making their information compelling, interesting and easy to understand. Many of these techniques are just as useful for business executives, and are well worth exploring.

I've found that thinking about how news stories work in newspapers, for example, can help executives communicate complex messages in a simple, brief and yet memorable way, both in print and in person.

News stories are designed to grab our attention from the opening sentence. They try to tell us the news in simple, easy-to-understand language. And they don't assume we know much about the subject already. So when you as a business executive have some information to pass on, it's worth trying to compile it as a news story - that way, you won't miss out anything vital.

So what makes a good a news story? In an ideal world, the opening paragraph should:

  • sum up the story
  • have the most important facts first
  • be short and punchy and contain only essential facts
  • use emotive words early on
  • possibly contain an appropriate quote
  • appeal to the reader in his or her area, in his or her business, or because it affects his or her pocket or way of life.
That's a lot to fit into a few lines. So the easiest thing to do is make sure your opening paragraph answers all the questions a reader may have: Who? What? How? Where? When? Why?

Take an example of a news story from a business newspaper:
Who? Former senior executives at X Corp
What? were arrested
How? by FBI agents
Where? in New York
When? today
Why? on suspicions of tax evasion.

This works equally well when you're announcing something to your staff (the order in which you answer the questions can vary):
Who? I (John Doe, CEO of Y Company,)
What? want to thank
Where? all of you in our Toronto division
Why? for raising sales an impressive 5 per cent
When? in the fourth quarter
How? and invite you all to a celebration lunch next week.

In a news story, it's important not to venture your own opinion or comment. The above item may appear to cross this line - it describes the sales increase as 'impressive' - but further down in the story (or in the internal memo or in the email to staff) the writer could justify the use of the word 'impressive' by comparing it with the target or with increases in previous quarters.

If the fundamental purpose of news is to inform, it's essential that you allow your readers to make up their own minds on the information you provide. Do not try to sell your own opinion as fact.

To sum up, the crucial point to remember when you're communicating information is that the most important information should appear first. If you do that, answering all the questions as suggested, there's a good chance that you'll get your message across and that everyone will understand it.

Article Source:

If you want the leadership success you deserve, get the leadership training you deserve. Download more free articles and leadership training videos from business journalist Jacqueline Moore and Steven Sonsino, authors of the Amazon bestseller "The Seven Failings of Really Useless Leaders" Get more FREE videos and articles right now:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Methods To Maximize Time

By Jennifer Stromsteen

There is no denying in the truth of the old saying, "Time is money."

You never seem to get enough of time. Even if given thirty hours in a day, most people still won't be able to get enough of it. Somehow, some things will come up and you will end up wanting more time. Time is a precious commodity. Once it's gone, it cannot be recovered.

The fact is: when you are busy, time flies swiftly. But when you are not, time seems to be at a stand still. This is true when you are killing time because there is nothing else to do under the circumstances.

How do you maximize the use of your time? It would be worth your time to consider the following strategies:

1. Check your schedule at the start of the day. Review it in its entirety. You may notice that portions of your day may be hectic, while some may not be too frenzied. Distribute your activities evenly throughout the day.

Keep note pads handy so you can keep track of your schedule. It also helps to remind you of your tasks and commitments. Note pads and schedule notebooks help you avoid overlapping of activities. In case of overlaps, determine which one is priority.

After spreading your schedule for the day and you still feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks to be accomplished, you may have to forego some of them. Re-schedule other tasks for another day.

What you are actually doing is very much like cleaning a closet. When your closet is in order, you avoid being accidentally hit on the head by falling objects upon opening its door. Also, if it is in order, you will likely find spare spaces available.

2. Request for a re-schedule in advance. This is especially true when another person will be affected. Show courtesy by doing this in advance. This leaves time for the person to adjust to the new schedule. Who knows? You may be doing the other parties a favor. They may be in the same predicament as you are, and they will not be aware unless you make it known to them.

3. Be creative. Time is an element when simple creativity can be put to practice. For example, you need to do the laundry but at the same time, you also have to rush and buy some groceries. Perhaps, what you can do is to set your washing machine to do the laundry while you step out to the grocers. Manage your time in the grocery and back home, just in time when the laundry is done.

You can even do the cooking at the same time by using a slow cooker. It cooks food by itself. You can even pick up the kids from school after shopping. Four tasks are combined to one. All it takes is scheduling and a little creativity.

4. When you have to do a certain task for the first time, it is natural for mistakes to happen. However, a first time task doesn't have to be a blunder. If there is no clear direction on how things should be done, take time to plan it out before you take action. This saves time, energy, and money.

5. Visualize the possible outcome of your objective. Seek out alternatives. Choose the better of two or more alternatives. If there is only one option, do it just the same. Some tasks may appear difficult when you think about it, but not necessarily when put into action. The same thing is true the other way around.

Time is something you could never have enough of. You become wise when you choose to maximize it.

Article Source:

J Stromsteen has many years expertise in the finance, real estate, and insurance industry. She contributes to various websites such as First Time Home Buyer where you can find today's mortgage rates as well as a wealth of information on getting a First Time Home Buyers Loan.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Get To The Top - Step By Step

By Kevin Sinclair

What are your goals and dreams? So gigantic they make your stomach hurt - just a little? Or are they small, easily achievable and bore you to death?

Goals and dreams can range in stature from small and unassuming to larger than life itself. Which type of goal is the best you may ask? Well, it's good to have both types of goals if you can.

Goals which "scare" you a bit are important. Goals and dreams are intended to stretch your thoughts, your capabilities and your personality, to change you into a new person. No matter how far away it seems, your goals should help you to find the kind of life you consider to be ideal.

History repeatedly informs us about folk who had big dreams regardless of the fact that people around them were all too quick to tell them to keep their feet on the ground. This is, in fact, the case with many successful people whatever their professions - they were all told to get their head out of the clouds at some time in their lives.

You really should not be afraid to have big goals and dreams. If you set yourself a goal which is so far out of your reach, not only will you feel nervous and excited about it at the same time, but you will know exactly how successful you have been when you have achieved that goal.

Nonetheless, it is also necessary to set small achievable goals. You have to believe in yourself as your success depends on this. If the big goal you have in mind is a little too far out of your reach at the present time, start by setting yourself smaller goals. When you are successful with the small goals you will realize just how much more you can achieve.

The small goals you set can be something as straightforward as going to the gym so many times each week or working your way through a list of books to read. Any goal you reach will make you feel good about yourself and will boost your self confidence. Start with small goals but keep your eye on the big goal for the future. You will soon get there once your self esteem is high and flying.

Check the small goals off your list as you achieve them. These will act as stepping stones and help you to believe you can reach your big goal.

Overall success comes from setting both of these types of goals. The bigger ones will help motivate you to success and the little ones assist you to gain the required discipline and confidence as you go.

Article Source:

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Friday, June 20, 2008

As Soon As You Discovered Your Passions In Life Plan Your Success

By Adnann Ahmedd

As soon as you discovered your passions in life, you would then need to recast your priorities so that you are brought in order with your purpose in life.

With your purpose, you can get the directions in your life without fear of being lost. Sure, there are a lot of things that might go wrong along the way, but this is all a part of the process of working for your goals.

You had better embrace this process. Otherwise, the process becomes boring too. You need to take a look at your present situation and take stock of where you are.

What have you achieved so far? The years will not retreat. If you are still young, well and good, you still have plenty of years to pursue your passion and discover the meaning of your life. If you are already in your middle years, do not worry, you can still find your purpose and work at finding meaning as long as you are willing.

This process of taking note of where you are is important. It enables you to know precisely where you are. After all, you cannot get to where you want to be unless you know where you are.

After analyzing where you are, you better understand the path you have to take. Once you have discovered your purpose, it becomes your roadmap to where you want to go. The roadmap to your dreams can be discovered by a purposeful searching within yourself of what you want to do and what you intend to achieve.

More than the achievement though, you also need to plot the steps that you take. It does not matter if the steps are small ones as long as you are progressing and moving towards your goals.

If you are truly willing to achieve your goals, you need to make progress every day even if those steps are but simple ones. Just like drops of water on a bucket, when they are gathered, they will fill the bucket up. Remember though that achieving the goal is but a part of the process, the journey is more enjoyable than the process of arriving at the destination.

The journey helps develop your character and your qualities such that you become more focused in achieving your dreams and your goals in life.

When you have taken a good look at where you are and you feel disappointed, that is well and good. But do not forget that you are in the business of pursuing your dreams and your goals. With perseverance and character, you can get from here to there.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Steps Behind Personal Development Coaching


Changing your life for the better is not impossible. Run from anyone who tells you that you should just accept your lot in life. No one has to live a life that is less than what they want. A success principle can be applied to your career and personal life.

You may think that life is working against you and keeping you in a spot that is not what you want or dreamed of but it is possible to change all of that. It may require the use of personal development coaching, yet you can attain your goals and change; it is within your grasp.

Personal development coaching occurs in steps. Step one is to analyze your current living situation. No, this is not referring to where you live or with whom you cohabitate. It is about taking a good, long look at your life.

Are you happy with your workplace? Are you happy with your personal relationships? This is about taking an inventory or stock of your life and recognizing in what areas helpful, leadership mentoring could make a difference.

The second step involves telling your coach consultant what your goals are. He or she cannot tell you what you should aim for, that is your job to let them know what it is you want out of life.

Just remember to set reasonable goals. You may want to conquer a fear of heights or learn how to make the most out of relationships. It is okay to set a series of small goals rather than one large goal.

The third step is implementing a plan that involves life building exercises. Your coach can help you by pointing out areas where you could improve communication skills, management skills and even where your strong areas are versus dwelling on the negative aspects of your life. It is time to take full responsibility and start working towards your aspirations.

Step four is the final part of the plan. It is now time to start implementing the changes that you will need to make in order to succeed and make your end objectives a reality. Personal development coaching comes full circle and you can finally see how you really want things to be. Your coach will prove to be a valuable asset in this learning process and can provide you with the appropriate motivation in order to see things through to completion. Good luck on your journey!

Article Source:

Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portal. Please visit our coaching portal for more great information on personal development coaching, and leave a comment at our life coaching training blog.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Importance of You - Value Yourself!

By Gail Solish

Are you the type of person who looks after everyone else and puts your needs at the bottom of the list? How many times have you said "Oh, I don't have time to do that for myself, I have too many other things to do?”

Recently I overheard a conversation between a manager and an employee regarding a professional development event. The employee wanted to attend something which related to self care.

The manager said that the workshop needed to pertain to the job. Initially I thought "that makes sense". Then I realized that taking care of yourself relates to any and every job. If we don't take care of ourselves, who will?

One of my clients often spoke about how she always felt rushed. She agreed to make a list of all her commitments and then realized the reason she felt so overwhelmed. She worked full-time, was married and had 3 kids who were involved in various extracurricular activities.

She was quite involved with her church, was a class parent and was involved in a fundraising project for a local charity. Her parents were getting older and had some health issues which she often had to attend too.

She recognized that there weren't enough hours in the day to do everything and that she rarely had time for herself or her relationship with her husband. She began to evaluate her priorities, practiced saying "no" to requests and learned how to delegate.

She became more energized and clearer about what she wanted and recognized that it was time to start valuing herself.

If you have ever traveled by plane you have heard the spiel about putting the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on your child. Often it is instinctive to put yourself last. Let's examine ways to put the oxygen mask on you first.

Make a list of all the commitments and responsibilities you have. Consider what you can eliminate and delegate. How much time would that free up for you? If you are having trouble with this, you might need to ask for help in order to make some changes.

The next step involves you considering yourself and what your needs are. What gives you pleasure and energy? What are the things in your life which excite you? Many of my clients have been out of sync with themselves so long time that this question initially stumps them.

What do you do for fun? How often do you incorporate fun into your life? If you are having difficulty identifying things, think about what you did as a child that you enjoyed and relished.

The last step is to take Action! Do 1 or 2 of the things that you have identified. Notice how it makes you feel both physically and emotionally. What impact is it having on your life?

Here are the guidelines for you to begin to place greater value on yourself:

Clarify - Write down a list of all things you'd like to do or want to try. Don't eliminate anything, no judgments, just write for 5 minutes.

Action - Peruse the list and choose two things that you want to take action on. Schedule yourself time to do it within the next week. Ideally do it in the next two days. Just do it!

Create supportive environments - Our intentions are often good, but we tend to slide back into the old habit of putting yourself last. What or who could support you in taking action? Tell at least two people your intentions so that they can help you move forward.

Have fun!!

Copyright 2008, Gail Solish.

Article Source:

Gail Solish, provides Executive/Personal coaching to managers, directors and executives focused on workplace development and relationship management. Claim your FR-EE e-course "Unleash Your Potential and Increase Productivity and Fulfillment" at

Monday, June 9, 2008

Top 7 Things Great Leaders Do

By Annette Phillips

Leaders all have different qualities but there are at least 7 qualities that are common to all leaders. If you want to be someone that people look up to and trust, you can develop these qualities in yourself to strengthen your team and your business.

The first trait that all leaders share is that they are continually learning. They never assume they have arrived and that they know it all. They are always learning and asking questions and growing. The more they learn the more they realize they don't know, so they continue seeking more knowledge. Leaders are never threatened by those around them who may have more knowledge in an area. They will place those people strategically to make the most of their knowledge and help each individual reach their highest potential.

Leaders are people who serve others, in business, in the community and in their families. You will see them reaching out and getting involved in things that matter most. They will serve those around them and always do what is best for the group as a whole. Leaders are not afraid to dig in with the group and do any part of the job that needs doing. They are not too big to do the small things.

The third trait of a great leader is their positive attitude. They will see each problem as something to be learned from. They will meet each challenge with energy and the knowledge that they will make this into something positive and successful. Even if they are feeling a bit down, true leaders will exhibit a positive attitude to those around them. Just the positive energy goes a long way toward success.

Leaders always believe in those around them. In addition to getting to know people well enough to place them in the right positions for their maximum benefit, they also encourage people to go beyond their comfort zone and grow and be the best they can be every day. Leaders never let others decide for them how they will react to a person or situation. They assess each situation for themselves and honestly encourage each person to fulfill their potential. Leaders work smart but utilizing everyone's potential.

The fifth trait of a great leader is that they are balanced people in every area of their lives. They are not work-a-holics, nor do they shirk their duty off on others. They have a good sense of humor and can laugh at themselves. They know their own worth, but they have no need to brag about it.

A Leader's response to each situation is balanced because they do not make decisions based on half the information. They make decisions based on all the information available. Great leaders are honest and accept responsibility and blame without excuses. Leaders see themselves responsible a great majority of the time because they are responsible for the group. They are not afraid to let people take the blame, but they are willing to share the blame when it is warranted. Leaders are not afraid to take disciplinary action if needed.

Leaders are very creative people who see life as an adventure and each new challenge as something to look forward to with eagerness. They are secure with themselves. They do not need anything from outside themselves because they know they did their best every time. Leaders get involved. They do not avoid people but rather they get involved with people and learn about them so that they can learn from the successes and failures of the past. Leaders are also flexible, not only accepting change, but anticipating it as well.

The seventh trait of a great leader is that in addition to being balanced and not fanatical about any one thing, they also feed every part of their being. They focus daily on that physical, mental, spiritual and emotional part of their lives. Someone who lives on coffee or soda to keep them going may be a leader for a while but the stress will get to them and they will crack. A true leader in conscious of their health on a daily basis and will renew every area of their lives to maintain that balance and be able to lead and give back to those around them.

Great leaders with strong characters may exhibit other traits than the ones mentioned here as each is individual, but long term successful leaders will exhibit each of the seven traits I have discussed here as well. You can develop these traits if you do not already possess them. Concentrate on developing new habits until you possess each of these traits and you will become someone that others want to be like and want to be around. You will become the example.

Article Source:

Annette Phillips has been successful in supporting her family from home for 18 years. You can sign up for her FREE Success Report and change your life today! successpartner

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Secret of Success And Achievement

By Arthur Magoulianiti

There is a saying that goes: "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there" and the truth of the matter is if you have no set direction or are not clear where you are heading, you could land up anywhere.

There is another saying, this time by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which says: "The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going." The point being made here is that with a clear set direction, or clear goals, you are more likely to achieve your life dreams.

So how do you go about setting a clear goal and what makes an achievable goal? Follow the 9 steps below:

1. You need to be clear on what is you want. "I want a car" doesn't hold any power and so your goal must not be vague. For example: I want a new Aston Martin DBS - that's being specific.

2. Once you have a definite and clear goal, the next step is to develop a clear vision of it in your mind. The more you can incorporate your senses into this vision the better - see it, hear it, feel it, etc. Imagine yourself in the driver's seat, the sound of the engine, the smell of the new leather, the feel of the car under you. Put it all together and really see it in your mind.

3. Ensure your goal is measurable - how will you know once you have attained it. Getting a car is easier than if your goal was to be financially free for example. You need to know exactly what YOU mean by being financially free, how much will you be earning or how much will you have in your bank account. You need to be specific about this so you have a tangible goal that you can measure your progress against, as well as to know when you have arrived!

4. Ensure your goal is achievable and realistic. Although we are all powerful and can create far more than we give ourselves credit for, if you don't have a good singing voice, you need to be realistic about winning American Idol! Although I advocate setting big goals, if your confidence is a little on the low side, you should start with some smaller goals to make a start and build on these.

5. Setting a date by when you will have achieved this goal is the next step. Dates are important as they motivate you to start doing something as each day that goes past, so does your target date get closer. The point here is to get you working on your goal, however if the date arrives and you haven't achieved your objective yet, this does not mean you have failed. The main point is to have made progress towards your goal, and setting some timescales ensures you get there quicker.

6. Once you have achieved your objective you need to reward yourself. All too often we continue on as if nothing happened. It is important to acknowledge yourself and your result, so plan a treat and stop to appreciate what you have accomplished.

7. Break down your goals into smaller steps and work out what you need to do for each one. Then schedule these steps with dates in your calender or diary.

8. Capture all of the detail above by writing it down in a goal statement. Phrase it in the present tense. For example: "By 1st January 2009, I am earning 100,000 per year through my online business and I am driving my Aston Martin DBS. My reward is taking a holiday in a 5 star hotel in the Maldives." You should be excited after reading this!

9 . Now begin to take action! Ensure that you read your statement each day, preferably in the morning and in the evening and begin your action steps.

Remember - you can change your goals if you decide you want something else as prioroties do change - but ensure you are changing them because you have changed your focus not because your current goal is not happening or too hard.

That is it - now take action and begin building the life you desire.

Article Source:

Arthur Magoulianiti of, offers recommendations on proven ways to generate online income. Learn while you earn opportunities and tried and tested affiliate marketing programs are all available, including no charge training for novices.

Friday, May 23, 2008

How Do You Achieve Goals? The Answer is In Your Vision

By Rosamunde Bott

Most of us have goals in life. Most of us have some thing, or lifestyle, that we want. We may say that's what we want, we may even write it down, but how do you achieve goals without knowing what they look like? How many of us have vision?

"We all know what a goal is, but vision is a topic of confusion for many," the founder of Success University, Matt Morris, recently said. "Your vision is how you see yourself. You can set goals all day long, but if you cannot truly see yourself achieving them, your goals will never be realized. To accomplish a goal, you must truly expect to achieve it."

So many of us set New Year resolutions and then find that by the end of the year they have not been achieved, or even forgotten. This is because goals without vision lack power.

Do not underestimate this. In order to achieve something in life, or have the things you want, your subconscious mind needs motivation. Vision gives it something to latch on to, so that it is open to opportunities and motivated to create ideas. After all, unless we know where we are heading, how can we possibly get there?

The highly successful Matt Morris grew up in a life of poverty and low expectations. In his early life he only focused on how broke he was; his subconscious mind was dominated by his circumstances.

He says: "I had no idea that my vision, which is trained by my subconscious mind, was overriding my efforts to succeed."

It's true. What we focus on is what we create. If we focus on poverty and failure they will continue to show up. However, we can make significant changes by changing our focus.

How do we do this? First of all, you need to see your goals in pictures and imagine that they are happening right now. Every day, impress these visions upon your subconscious mind as clearly as you can. Focus on how your life is going to be when you have reached your goals. Using the resources of online organisations can help with this.

As your subconscious mind begins to transform its vision, you will now begin working towards your goals with confidence, belief and inspiration. These, in turn, will motivate you towards taking action or responding to opportunities that will bring you ever closer to achieving your goals.

At times, it will feel difficult. It can be easy to slip back into a negative focus. This is because the subconscious level of the mind has three main influences: other people, your experiences and how YOU think about yourself.

To help you change your vision and subsequently your actual experience, here is how you can deal with those three influences.

1. Try not to socialise with people who put you down. Seek out people who are supportive and who can be positive mentors. If this is difficult, find programs where you can be trained by leaders like Matt Morris.

2. Do not be a victim of your past. Whatever has happened in your life, choose to see it as a learning experience which moves you forward instead of a failure or weakness. Guilt and anger are self-defeating.

3. Learn positive thinking. If you have a habit of thinking about yourself in a negative way, start practising self-affirming, positive thoughts.

The more you practise this, the more your vision will lead you through obstacles or false leads, and instead of being stopped by them as in the past, you will now be able to move forward with confidence. The more you see yourself as a powerful, strong and talented human being, the more you will re-inforce the reality of this.

Do not allow mistakes to affect your vision; instead allow them to contribute to its achievement. Think of "mistakes" as lessons that warn you when you are going off course. Learn from them, so you are constantly re-aligning yourself to your goal.

Samuel Smiles, the 19th century writer and advocate of "self help" wrote:

"It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done."


"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery."

When Matt Morris discovered that having a "vision" was the key to achieving goals, he finally broke free from his life of poverty and founded Success University, which became the most popular personal development website on the internet in its first year of business.

If a man like Matt Morris can succeed with the background he had, then anyone can achieve their dreams. All that's needed is a powerful vision for your subconscious to feed upon, and will keep you motivated and moving forward. Achieving your goals then becomes a reality instead of just a dream.

Article Source:

Ros Bott is a writer and life coach and runs her own home business. Find out about Success University here Find out about career coaching here For online business opportunities, go to Financial Freedom Online

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Achieve Successful Results through Visualization!

By Adam Khoo

Many people have made use of the power of visualization to help them perform at their peak. This technique is favourably applied in the area of competitive sports where it is known as 'mental rehearsal'.

Here's an example illustrating the application of the technique and power of visualization.

For many years, the Russians had always won and dominated the gymnastics event in the Olympic Games. The Americans trained just as hard and could not understand how the Russians were always able to perform at levels near perfection.

It was only much later that the Americans discovered that the Russians employed sports psychologists who contributed by designing mental training techniques as part of their regime.

The Russians' used a secret technique of spending a few hours a day visualizing themselves doing the perfect jumps, twists and landings. This technique largely contributed to them displaying performances that were always near perfection!

Today, all top athletes use the power of visualization to perform at their peak.

Another famous example, professional golf player Tiger Woods also talks about how he visualizes himself hitting the perfect ball and watching it land, even before he actually swings his club.

Mental vs. Physical Training

There was an experiment done comparing mental training with actual physical training. A group of men were divided randomly into three basketball teams. They were asked to shoot from the free throw line and their scores were recorded. For the next three weeks, each team went through a different training routine.

The first team physically trained for four hours. The second team did not shoot any hoops physically but imagined themselves shooting perfect shots for two hours a day. The third team was the control group so they were asked not to train at all.

After three weeks, the 3 different teams were retested and their scores recorded. The first team that trained physically scored an average improvement of 30%.

The second team that trained mentally also scored an average improvement of 30%. The third team showed no signs of improvement at all.

This experiment showed that mental training is amazingly as effective as actual physical practice. And if you were to combine both aspects, there could be astonishing improvements in results.

Visualization is a useful and powerful technique anyone could benefit from. Now that you are aware of this technique, use and learn it. It will definitely give you a competitive edge. Through proper study and application of this technique, we will be able to bring about greater changes and results in all aspects of our life.

Article Source:

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge Your Success!' at Success With NLP.

Achieve Successful Results through Visualization!

By Adam Khoo

Many people have made use of the power of visualization to help them perform at their peak. This technique is favourably applied in the area of competitive sports where it is known as 'mental rehearsal'.

Here's an example illustrating the application of the technique and power of visualization.

For many years, the Russians had always won and dominated the gymnastics event in the Olympic Games. The Americans trained just as hard and could not understand how the Russians were always able to perform at levels near perfection.

It was only much later that the Americans discovered that the Russians employed sports psychologists who contributed by designing mental training techniques as part of their regime.

The Russians' used a secret technique of spending a few hours a day visualizing themselves doing the perfect jumps, twists and landings. This technique largely contributed to them displaying performances that were always near perfection!

Today, all top athletes use the power of visualization to perform at their peak.

Another famous example, professional golf player Tiger Woods also talks about how he visualizes himself hitting the perfect ball and watching it land, even before he actually swings his club.

Mental vs. Physical Training

There was an experiment done comparing mental training with actual physical training. A group of men were divided randomly into three basketball teams. They were asked to shoot from the free throw line and their scores were recorded. For the next three weeks, each team went through a different training routine.

The first team physically trained for four hours. The second team did not shoot any hoops physically but imagined themselves shooting perfect shots for two hours a day. The third team was the control group so they were asked not to train at all.

After three weeks, the 3 different teams were retested and their scores recorded. The first team that trained physically scored an average improvement of 30%.

The second team that trained mentally also scored an average improvement of 30%. The third team showed no signs of improvement at all.

This experiment showed that mental training is amazingly as effective as actual physical practice. And if you were to combine both aspects, there could be astonishing improvements in results.

Visualization is a useful and powerful technique anyone could benefit from. Now that you are aware of this technique, use and learn it. It will definitely give you a competitive edge. Through proper study and application of this technique, we will be able to bring about greater changes and results in all aspects of our life.

Article Source:

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of 26. Discover his supercharged success secrets and claim your FREE bonus report 'Supercharge Your Success!' at Success With NLP.

Friday, May 16, 2008

How To Achieve Success Without Struggle

By Jordan Cheng

Is it possible to achieve success without struggle, despite what most of us have been taught from our younger days that success is impossible without massive hard work and sufferings?

As you go through stages of life, the painful reality you have to contend with is: Even hard work and struggle does not guarantee success. To most people, success seems like a mystery, a puzzle. Despite pain-staking application of the universal rules and principles taught by the gurus, success remains elusive.

The irony, as you may also have noticed, is that some people seemed to have gained success so easily. These people are often deemed to be the lucky ones, with unexplainable factors that guide them to do the right thing at the right time.

What is this missing linking of success? Is it really a fuzzy factor that picks the winners at random?

The level of difficulty in reaching success is in direct proportion to the level of clarity we have about our life goals and purposes.

Do you have to toil away at tasks you never enjoy in order to gain success? Most likely so if you are fuzzy about what your want in life.

Can success be acquired in a joyful and fulfilling way? Absolutely! If you have achieved clarity in your life direction and mission, and have placed them firmly at the center of your focus, your life will be characterized by daily experience of joy and fulfillment.

The biggest problem many people have with success is: The glamorous kind of success that gain the recognitions and envies of others may not align with your heart's deepest desire. If you can reconcile success with what your heart truly desire, you can really gain success easily. This is the missing link to finding success without struggle!

Most people see success as achievement of goals. The fact is, success should be experienced during the journey. Over more than two decades, I have been pursuing success in studies, sports, career, and even self-development goals. I was extremely goal-oriented, always perpetuate the timeless principle of one of the "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People": Begin With The End In Mind!

As I reflect on all these years of experience, I found myself looking at the glaring paradox of success: When I focused only on the goals, the joy and excitement of success is often short-lived. Success is usually achieved after a long period of struggles and sometime unpleasant hard work. The main reason being that I was pursuing success that does not align with my life purpose. I was drawn to prestige and glamor, more than inner joy and fulfillment. The simple lesson that took me years to realize is: Pursue only goals that you can enjoy the journey.

Most often it is how we define success that determines whether we are able to enjoy the journey as much as the end goal.

Take my favorite sport for example: marathon running. When I set my goal on running a marathon race, I give myself 6 to 9 months to train for the race. It is important to have a clear and specific goal on the marathon race. For me, I have a clear goal to complete the full course in three-and-a-half hours or better. I am setting this goal to push myself to instill better discipline in diet and exercise, as well as in my work. It is a challenging goal to me because the last marathon I run more than ten years ago was barely below four hours.

With this end goal, I work backward to find out the pace that I need to run during the race. I would then be able to know the gap between my current form and what I need to achieve in eight month's time. I work out a training plan to do weekly long run, speed work, and interval training. The training schedule will be in a progressive manner where I should achieve peak form when it reaches the day of race.

To cut the long story short, there are lots of details in preparing for a marathon race. However, the single most important thing I have to focus on is how I define success. It is a mindset business. While I have set a specific time goal to finish the race, it is not my definition of success. The success is not found in the distant future eight months from now. Success is defined by my daily commitment in working out the training program.

With this definition, I experience success every day whenever I:

- Complete a 12-mile run.
- Work out an exhausting but satisfying speed training.
- Push myself to finish the punishing interval training even when my muscle is aching.
- Resist the temptation of tasty food to stick to the sports diet.
- Defy the urge to run too hard so as to avoid over-training or injury.
- Diligently attend to blister and chafing so as to recover in time for next day's training without disruption.
- Remember to replenish my body fluid sufficiently to restore the required balance.

Even though I have to sweat, suffer muscle aching and even injuries, doing these is not a struggle to me. It is fun and exciting. It keeps me energized every day.

I look forward to the training regime every day, anticipating the excitement and fulfillment of finishing each exhausting training session, knowing that I have achieved success for that day. The compounding effect of such success mindset is empowering. I know fully well that these small successes will add up to huge success in time to come. Even if I do not meet my time goal at end of this year, I know I have succeeded anyway as long as I follow the training regime diligently. I would already have experienced success on a daily basis for eight months even prior to the end goal. The final achievement of running time will be wonderful but it will not undermine my success. I am not comparing myself with others.

This same success principle can be applied universally in our life, in anything we do.

It is absolutely possible to achieve success without struggle if you can:

- Find your life purpose by seeking your inner wisdom;
- Set your goals base on your purpose, and be guided by what really excites and energizes you;
- Break the goal into small tasks you need to do on a daily basis;
- Stay focus in doing the small tasks well and enjoy the process;
- The key to enjoying the process is to be in the state of flow regularly by aligning your mind, body and soul;
- This can be achieved by daily meditation exercise;
- Do not be concern about how you measure up with others;
- Have the faith and belief that success will eventually come, if you persevere and never give up.

Everyone can do it and everyone can achieve success in his own terms, without struggle!

Article Source:

Jordan Cheng is the author of the Success Journal at Find out the free resources that can help you develop your Mind, Body & Soul to achieve Wealth, Success & Happiness. His is contactable at

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Create Your Own Luck And You Will Never Fail

By Jaz Lai

Why is it that some people succeed at things while others fail? Is there such a thing as creating your own luck? The answer is quite simple, those who succeed choose to 'do something' and do it now rather than later.

For example, imagine that 100 people read the exact same book that I did. I benefited from what was written and implemented the information in it to my advantage. Yet the other 100 people managed to come up with 100 different reasons why the book either wouldn't work for them or how it didn't fit their situation.

The point being, everyone has choices available to him or her. They can choose to make money or choose to make excuses, it’s really as simple as that! People who make excuses just leave more opportunities open to those of us who do want to succeed. Those who don't sit idly by and use golden opportunities to their best advantage all have one thing in common, they just got started and don't make excuses about why they can't!

There are thousands of reasons why you can't make a start today. The timing may not be right or you may be too busy today to make a start. Most people who do succeed are usually at the busiest time of their lives, so the real question here is, are you too busy to make money? Or maybe your computer is too slow or needs updating? Possibly the software you are using isn't right to start your internet business?

People like that keep telling themselves "once I get this new software or computer then I'll start.... " and go along on their merry way looking for even more plans. All the while they are waiting, they are letting golden opportunities pass them by. These people are never going to make money with that attitude because the time will never be right. So once again the real question here is when is the right time to start making money?

Others wait until every one around them is making money from working hard on a realistic plan, then call them 'lucky'? There is no such thing as being 'lucky' in this situation. We all make our own luck by taking an opportunity with both hands and 'doing something' with it! How many books have you read this year? How many ideas have you implemented from your newfound knowledge? Be truthful now! If you buy a book, make it your goal to implement at least one idea you have found.

Take some responsibility for yourself. If you don't 'do something' nobody will jump up and do it for you. By being responsible for your own success, you will find that your goals and ambitions aren't really that far from you. Ask someone who is successful and they will tell you the same thing because it's true. If you are having trouble being successful, be aware that you have the tools and opportunities. All that you need is to 'do something' about it. Create your own luck.

Article Source:

Jaz Lai is an Internet Business Expert where he created $10,045 sales just by sending out 5 emails without any list or product. Further recommended resources, Click here

Sunday, May 4, 2008

All Important Steps For Goal Setters

By Koz Huseyin

Why are we setting goals in the first place? Why are you a goal setter? The answer must be to achieve a worthy ideal. You want to get from a, to b. And you want to get there in the shortest possible time. Join me, as we look at the important steps for goal setters.

Setting goals has many benefits. For one, you get to be a director of your own life. You choose the destination, rather than having others choose the destination for you. However, for many goal setters, we find that a lot of our goals may not materialize in reality.

#1 - Think
The first all important steps to goal setting is to think. By this, you should have something you want or desire, which you don't have currently in your life. Without thinking about what you want, you can't act on it!

For many people this stage is thinking about what we like in life, and would like to invite into our own lives. By thinking of a worthy ideal, as goal setters we can start to make more important decisions on the goal.

#2 - Decide
The next all important step for setting goals is to look at that desire, that want. Do you really want to achieve this goal? Would you really like that goal achieved in your world? Often we can go into directions without giving it thought. If a goal is going to take years to achieve, do you really want to go in that direction?

Once you have considered these questions, it is now time to decide. Without a decision, we are not ready to move forward. Decision is the key. To decide is to cut off. Decision is burning the bridges so that you are left with no option but to go forward.

#3 - Set
Another important step for goal setters is to actually set that goal. By setting, you have decided, you have begun on a new journey, the journey to achieve this goal.

Some goal setters get stuck with how to set a goal. However, by setting, by deciding, by planning, and giving more thought to your goal, you are setting it as a plan of action.

#4 - Act
The next important step in the important steps for goal setters is to act. Without action a goal can only ever stay as a dream. Action must be taken to get your dream, your vision, your desire, your goal and outcome into reality.

This is going to take the most time. You will need to put in action. To lift a small weight needs less effort, whereas to lift a heavy weight requires more effort. If you have a big goal, you will need to take massive action.

#5 - Persist
The last of the process of the important steps for goal setters is to persist. Often we hear that in general, we are all good starters, but bad finishers. Goal setting is nothing without action, and without persistent action, we will always be several steps away from our goal.

To achieve a goal needs persistence. You can't be like a bomb that makes a big impact once and disappears. You must be consistent and persistent. And with that you will be like the Sun who with its constant and persistent life giving light, has enabled beings to inhabit this world for billions of years.

Article Source:

Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find there own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality! How To Goal Set Your Success Coach Latest Home Business Opportunities

Monday, April 21, 2008

6 Keys to Solving Any Challenge with Out-of-the-Box Thinking

By Melanie Benson Strick

As my friends and I hovered in the lobby of the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, the reality was sinking in that American Airlines had cancelled all of our flights and we were stuck in Nashville for one more day. As we mentally reviewed the checklist in our heads of all the rescheduling, rebooking and inconveniences we now had to deal with, none of us where very happy.

Our small group of strandees began to share our next steps when something happened that I'll never forget. One of us got outside of the box and created a new reality. My friend and mentor Alexandria Brown blew up the paradigm the rest of us were playing in and hired a private leer jet to take us home.

It is at the very moment that you feel hopeless, stuck and frustrated that out-of-the-box thinking can trigger a whole new dimension of reality. You see, the problem is that most of us try to solve problems with the same level of thinking it was created in. We can only access ideas, thoughts and possibilities that we currently live in because, well, quite frankly, that's our current reality!

Take my client Janice for example. Janice has desperately been trying to get a consistent high 6 figure revenue stream for two years but somehow she continues to hover around the $100k level. She spends all her time focused on getting the next client in the door or serving the client she has, rather than creating automated marketing lead sources and building leverage strategies that would allow her to focus on her bigger fish.

So what is the trick to engaging "out-of-the-box" problem solving when you need it most? Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Access a Role Model. Think of someone who plays at another level of success and ask yourself, "What would XX do?" For instance, "What would Richard Branson do?" Even if you don't have the financial resources that your role model does, it can still trigger a whole new level of ideas.

2. Do the Opposite. Sometimes it pays to challenge yourself and say, "What is the opposite of what I would normally do?" If you normally get frustrated, run to the airport and demand the next flight out (which for me creates a ton of stress) then maybe the opposite would be to book a night in a fancy hotel and go to the spa (much more appealing to me).

3. Change Careers. Not in reality but in your thinking. If you are a coach or consultant what if you pretend you are a famous actress? Or if you are a dentist or doctor pretend you are a public speaker. What kind of options surface when you try on a different "hat"?

4. Review your List of Life Goals. Is there anything you've always wanted to do that if you stretched into right now might help you solve the problem? For instance, Ali had always wanted to fly on a private jet so she figured if not now, when!

5. What If-I-Die-Tomorrow. Another way to look at it is, "What would I do if I knew I was going to die tomorrow?" You never know what life has in store so if you always play full out, what would you do differently today?

6. Access Your Millionaire Thinking. Another twist on getting outside of your box is to ask yourself, "If I was already a millionaire / billionaire, what would I do to solve this problem." When we solve the problem in our current state of income, we tend to limit our options. Be willing to "act as if" you are already there and access new, unlimited resources.

If you truly want to play at a higher level then it's time to blow up the box you are playing in. For instance, my client Janice decided to start doing the opposite. As someone who tends to be very analytical and risk-adverse, she decided to be more creative and a bigger risk taker. Within a few short weeks she realized it was time to build up a team that could help her implement more automated marketing systems. The clients began to roll in and she could focus on her personal magic.

It's time for you to start playing outside of your box. Which of these keys will you use?

Article Source:

Melanie Benson Strick, Million Dollar Lifestyle Business Coach, teaches entrepreneurs how to stop feeling overwhelmed so they can create more money, freedom and prestige. Revolutionize your results with a free chapter from, The Power of The Virtual Team, at

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do You Have A Millionaire Mind?

By Daegan Smith

While there are individuals born wealthy, there are those who attended good schools and attained college degrees that paved for their financial success; and there are others who even without a degree have managed to become wealthy.

Thus, people can’t understand and wonder that while some are trying to work so hard as employees to get by their finances, others — some did not reach college at all — are very much financially comfortable, having enough fortune to last a lifetime.

Are there secrets to their success? What do they know that makes them so wealthy?

There is no secret. The answer to this lies in each one. It’s just all in their way of thinking. Rich and successful individuals program their minds to be successful; they have what is known as a “millionaire mindset”. This sets the financially successful persons apart from all the rest.

In fact, according to psychologists, all individuals possess a certain characteristic to be successful and be a millionaire! All are born to be winners; however only a few understands this and recognize this ability to benefit and exploit the chances and possibilities buried inside your mind.

The hidden and unconscious idea and beliefs you have concerning wealth, money and success will decide the results that you will acquire in your life.

Your mind is extremely powerful. It has the power to either be of advantage to you and help achieve your goal, or keep you from attaining success that you aspire in your business.

For instance, when you think that wealth or money is difficult to acquire, then definitely you will find it hard acquiring money or obtaining success. Despite all your hard work to attain and accomplish goal or objective, you'll continuously lack to some extent something that is vital to your achievement and success.

When you discover that you possess a poor or deficient mindset, there is still a chance that you can change your way of thinking. Here’s how:

1. Bring an end to all negative and unconstructive thoughts. Instead contemplate on positive ideas and beliefs. Never think bad about others, always see the good side in each one.

2. Visualize. Work first on your mind before you work hard on acquiring money. Don’t be troubled with your bills constantly, never let it get in your way. Act and find ways to solve such problems. Visualize that you have already the cash that is needed and hang onto that image.

3. Take responsibility for all that you do. Do not blame others for the problems that you are facing. Remember that you are responsible for all that you do, and the results that come out of it. With this, try to understand that you can accomplish and reach whatever you desire from your life.

5. Give emphasis on only the positive. As what the law of attraction says, you magnetize whatever or anything that you give attention or concentration to. Meaning that when you concentrate on what it is that you want, ultimately, you can have it. People can generate vibration with thoughts and feelings. What you draw to yourself, including situations and individuals, is the outcome of what you created. Consequently, if you generate a bad vibration, everyone around you will feel it.

6. Love whatever you do. You can not spend long hours of work if you are not enjoying it, if you do not love it. You will really find success only if you enjoy what you do. When you love your work, you will not notice hours that go by when working because you are enjoying it. It will not be work, but a passion, that you will strive to give quality results.

7. Believe in yourself. Believe and trust that you are worthy to receive only the best and the finest that this lifetime can give and you will definitely be provided and blessed.

8. Do not envy the success of others. Be happy when others achieve something, when others are blessed; meaning, be glad in the achievement of others so that you create a positive attitude and you can attract good vibrations.

Try and develop a millionaires mind. This will not only lead you to wealth and success, but also a life of contentment and abundance of friends. That is, if we really look deep into it, wealth is not only based on money, but on friendship, that is your true treasures.

Article Source:

Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?"

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