Friday, August 22, 2008

How To Set Short And Long Term Goals

By Koz Huseyin

Is there a science to setting short and long term goals? And how do you set short and long term goals? As you read this article, you will find my personal chart on how to set short and long term goals.

Setting goals is great, however, what about the time? The question then becomes - how to set short and long term goals. Here is my chart with explanations on how to set short and long term goals.

(Long Term Goals)
- Lifetime
- 10 Years
- 5 Years
- 3 Years
- 2 Years

Long term goals are where it all begins. If you find that you are trying to set short term goals only, then you will not go far. Jesus for example was a very long term goal setter. His inspiration and divine message came to us with a long term view.

For most people, they look day to day, week to week. Making your goals stem from the long term, will mean you are a ship going forward, rather than trying to tackle a storm.

(Mid Range Goals)
- 1 Year
- 6 Month

Mid range goals are excellent. They are more tangible. Though they can seem like a while away, they still feel closer than thinking about a decade or a lifetime. Here is where adjustments are made, that take you towards your long term goals.

(Small Range Goals)
- 3 month goals
- 1 month goals
- Fortnightly goals

Small range goals are round the corner! They are goals which are easily set, and workable. Though they won't be large commitments, the incremental successes with these goals will take you forward to your long term vision.

(Personal Time)
- Weekly Goals

Most people stick here. It is the weekly pay check. It is what people are doing over the weekend, etc. These goals fall into what I call personal time. They can be great to measure, and see your progress.

(Personal Time - Micro Time)
- Daily Goals
- Hourly Goals
- Sub Hour and Minute Goals (every 30 or 15 minutes, and even a minute)

This area of goal setting is micro time, and personal time. Here is where action falls. And here is where it will make or break your future. If you want to breakthrough to success, you will need to take actions that lead you to your long term vision.

* How To Set Short And Long Term Goals
If you're wondering how you take this information, and how to set short and long term goals, you will need to think about the long term. The long term is the domain of the goal setter and goal achiever. When you can break down goals effectively into bite size pieces then you can succeed.

Success in the long term is born from success in the short term. Most people don't succeed because they focus on the short term, and forget the long term. Like ships at harbor, they bop up and down, but never move forward to distant lands.

Your vision is round the corner, but to get there, you will need to take action. But, first, you will need to know where you want to go. Don't do what many do, and wait because they don't know what they want. You need to focus on what you want.

Article Source:

Does this make sense? Visit the link to discover the full system I use to make 90% of my goals reality! Discover how to set short and long term goals now! If you are looking for a life coach, visit

Friday, August 15, 2008

Why Goal Setting Works For Goal Setters

By Koz Huseyin

If you have never set goals before, then you may be apt to wonder what all the fuss is about! For goal setter however, goal setting seems to bring a new lease of life. Suddenly life has a direction. In this article, we will look at why goal setting works.

Imagine getting in a plane, and the pilot has no idea of where the destination is. It is unlikely that the airplane will go anywhere! Goal setting works with the same premise because it is dealing with direction, and more importantly a choice of direction.

For most people, they don't have direction. We see this in the world, where many people hate getting up on Monday mornings! We have many choices in life, and all too often we only see the direction which is here, but not there.

As is said - the world is our oyster, and the only people who must have figured that out were the goal setters. You see, goal setting focuses us in a direction. Instead of floating like ships, we stop and ask - what do I want?

For many people, this happens as a new year's resolution. I am sure, like most, you have found how well New Year resolutions work - almost never. The reason is that we fall into a trap of forgetting about it within a few weeks, if not days.

This makes goal setting an important thing for the goal setter. After all, the goals you set will likely be new to you. You have never achieved them in your life. This makes the goal something that you really want.

Now, your passion is ignited and you set about getting there. As you act, you learn and apply. Through the trials and errors, you find that you have achieved.

You will want to set new goals, bigger, and better goals. You set those, and achieve those. Along the way, you will find ways to make achievement happen quicker. You will have a new lease of life.

This is how goal setting works. People become success junkies in the thought that - yes it is possible. No person has ever achieved success without knowing what that success looks like. After all, how will you know you have achieved, unless you consciously desired a certain success?

Think back to your last vacation. I bet a few days before, even weeks before, you was enlivened. You felt inspired, and the last day at work you worked your best. The reason was simple - you had a goal.

OK, so maybe more people goal set than we at first imagine. However, it is not consistent. It only applies with the public holidays we get or the holidays we are entitled to from employment.

When you can consciously take action in goal setting, and set about working on them, and achieving them, over time you find something amazing happens. Now you find that you are living your dream.

Article Source:

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find their own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality! Motivation And Goal Setting Worksheet Personal Development Articles USA Today Articles

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Leadership Skills: How to Be a Successful Communicator

By Jacqueline Moore

As a business leader, one of the most important leadership skills you'll ever demonstrate is knowing how to communicate. When you think about it, most business leadership consists of communication of one sort or another.

You hold meetings with staff or board members or suppliers, you interview potential managers, you meet customers and shareholders, you chat in the corridor or on the phone. All of these formal and informal moments offer you the chance to influence, to enthuse and to inspire.

So how can you make the most of these moments - how can you become a truly successful communicator?

Communication involves a variety of interactions. It involves discussing, and listening, and debating. But communication also often involves a senior executive passing on some information. This may seem a fairly simple task. But it's amazing how often business leaders don't give enough information, or shroud it in jargon, or tell the wrong people.

HOW you pass on information can significantly affect what happens next. If you want people (whether your staff or your suppliers or customers) to act on the information, you need to make sure they understand it. And that's not as simple as it sounds.

There are several lessons we can learn here from people whose whole business is communication. Journalists depend entirely on their words. And journalists are taught a range of tips and techniques for making their information compelling, interesting and easy to understand. Many of these techniques are just as useful for business executives, and are well worth exploring.

I've found that thinking about how news stories work in newspapers, for example, can help executives communicate complex messages in a simple, brief and yet memorable way, both in print and in person.

News stories are designed to grab our attention from the opening sentence. They try to tell us the news in simple, easy-to-understand language. And they don't assume we know much about the subject already. So when you as a business executive have some information to pass on, it's worth trying to compile it as a news story - that way, you won't miss out anything vital.

So what makes a good a news story? In an ideal world, the opening paragraph should:

  • sum up the story
  • have the most important facts first
  • be short and punchy and contain only essential facts
  • use emotive words early on
  • possibly contain an appropriate quote
  • appeal to the reader in his or her area, in his or her business, or because it affects his or her pocket or way of life.
That's a lot to fit into a few lines. So the easiest thing to do is make sure your opening paragraph answers all the questions a reader may have: Who? What? How? Where? When? Why?

Take an example of a news story from a business newspaper:
Who? Former senior executives at X Corp
What? were arrested
How? by FBI agents
Where? in New York
When? today
Why? on suspicions of tax evasion.

This works equally well when you're announcing something to your staff (the order in which you answer the questions can vary):
Who? I (John Doe, CEO of Y Company,)
What? want to thank
Where? all of you in our Toronto division
Why? for raising sales an impressive 5 per cent
When? in the fourth quarter
How? and invite you all to a celebration lunch next week.

In a news story, it's important not to venture your own opinion or comment. The above item may appear to cross this line - it describes the sales increase as 'impressive' - but further down in the story (or in the internal memo or in the email to staff) the writer could justify the use of the word 'impressive' by comparing it with the target or with increases in previous quarters.

If the fundamental purpose of news is to inform, it's essential that you allow your readers to make up their own minds on the information you provide. Do not try to sell your own opinion as fact.

To sum up, the crucial point to remember when you're communicating information is that the most important information should appear first. If you do that, answering all the questions as suggested, there's a good chance that you'll get your message across and that everyone will understand it.

Article Source:

If you want the leadership success you deserve, get the leadership training you deserve. Download more free articles and leadership training videos from business journalist Jacqueline Moore and Steven Sonsino, authors of the Amazon bestseller "The Seven Failings of Really Useless Leaders" Get more FREE videos and articles right now:

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