Thursday, March 20, 2008

Life Coaching Statistics You Need To Know

By Brue Baker

More and more people are starting to seek the help of a life coach to help them through tough and challenging periods in their lives. While life coaching is still a relatively new field, it has been around long enough for us to glean a proper insight into how well it is helping people to make positive changes in their lives.

When you look at the life coaching statistics that are available, you can see that for the most part they are getting their money's worth and receiving the help they need.

Who Uses the Services of a Life Coach?

Not surprisingly, life coaching statistics state that over two thirds of the people who turn to a life coach to help them improve their lives are women. This is probably to be expected, as it's commonly known that women are more likely to seek help to solve their problems than men.

It's also a fact that many people who decide to see a life coach are in their early 40s when they make this decision. Could this be evidence of the mid-life crisis that is supposed to hit us when we reach this age? If it is, at least many of us are sensible enough to seek help to overcome the feelings and life changes that can happen around this time.

It never seems as if we have enough hours in the day and a life coach can help us prioritize and know what tasks are necessary and what ones aren't, thus increasing our time management.

How Do People See a Life Coach?

When we think of any kind of life coach, we tend to imagine a similar scenario to seeing a psychiatrist, lying on a couch while they ask questions about why we feel a certain way. In reality this isn't always the case.

According to life coaching statistics, a whopping 95 per cent of life coaching sessions take place on the telephone, rather than in person. Ironically this has to do with how hectic people's lives have become, which is why they usually seek a life coach in the first place.

Life coaches differ from psychologists in that instead of addressing feelings and emotions they address your life's goals and they try to put you on the right path to achieve those goals.

Life coaching statistics also reveal that a hefty two-thirds of people who see a coach find they are more self aware after having done so. This is probably the best outcome you could have from a life coaching session, as it can benefit you in so many different ways.

If you are not where you want to be in life you should consider seeing a professional life coach. They can help you get things sorted out. However, make sure that the person you choose has a lot of experience and can tailor their coaching to your specific needs.

Article Source:

Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the hand and give you the best natural health information and resources on the web. Visit to learn more.

Reach for Success Inside Your Business Endeavors

By Terrence Cohen

We all have potential for greatness / success. No matter what our race may be, what religion we subscribe to, or what culture we follow because greatness / success knows no bounds. What we need to figure out is how to reach that promised greatness / success. We need to unleash the success inside all of us, and follow the path we have chosen until the very end.

Some of us may have chosen the straight and narrow road; others may have chosen crooked and unmarked trails. We may not want to be in our situations now, but by enduring all tribulations and moving on is already a clear sign of success.

Winners All

A winner or success is often defined as a person who wins or a victor. We all have our own personal and business battles to conquer; and even though we refuse to admit it, we have won a number of them over the years. We may be struggling with more in our daily lives, hurdles which we have not yet overcome, but we will resolve everything in due time.

Often, we associate winners or success as those select few who have won competitively in sports or the ones sitting in corner suites of business establishments. However, winners are never defined by the titles we acquire at work or the trophies sitting on our mantle. Most of our battles are won without press releases, without medals, without recognitions.

We are all successful. He have struggled with life and business in most ways other people will never get to experience and we all hold victories that other people will never get to have. If you believe that you are a winner or successful, then you are probably right.

The Warrior Within

Unleashing the warrior within is one way of bringing out the success in all of us. We all posses inner strength and resilience, and of course, we have the cunning necessary to tackle the problems we have.

One of the best ways of finding that warrior inside us is to simply believe in our ability to handle any situation that fate might throw at us. Usually, at the face of danger or downfall, we still find something to cling on to, some hope, or a ray of light that we can use to find safe passage through darkness. This is inner strength. And we always learn to adapt to unusual circumstances anyway, no matter how difficult it seems at first. This is resilience.

And by simply believing that we can so much in any particular situation and then moving forward to see the outcome is our inborn cunningness: a primal need to survive. We all have these physiological tools, and releasing the warrior in all of us takes something as simple as believing that we can.

Article Source:

Terrence Cohen, is a business entrepreneur, coach, marketer and author. He enjoys giving, sharing and reaching out to his fellow man. Unleash the winner inside of yourself and find out how to reach for success inside of your business endeavors and create addition cash flow for my family.

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