Friday, May 8, 2009

Starting and Growing Your Business – Why to Use Marketing and Personal Growth Strategies

By Ben Needles

Why do many businesses fail in the first years of operation? Is it just because they did not have enough business knowledge, enough resources, etc.? By studying and talking to many successful entrepreneurs I have found there is one crucial element to a business success, and it has nothing to do with your knowledge, training, the industry you choose, resources or anything else you can think of.

Don’t get me wrong – marketing and business tools are crucial to a business success, but sometimes having just them is not enough. This is only one piece of the puzzle. What are the other pieces? A success blueprint and a plan for personal growth.

If you combine the right business and marketing tools with the right personal growth techniques, you are going to be successful in anything you do. So here is my plan for starting a business the right way using my personal growth and marketing combo:

1. Find your passion. Have you heard the expression: When you do something with passion, money will follow? It’s true, your passion and love gives that special energy to your business that make it successful fast. Plus, when you do what you truly love doing you are more likely to not get discouraged and get more creative if something goes wrong.

2. Make a Vision Map. Think business plan, but shorter and more to the point. A Vision map is a detailed plan of what your goals and dreams are regarding your business. All of history’s super achievers had their vision maps. It is claimed to be 70% of your success. A Vision map consists of your overall vision – your final destination you want eventually arrive at. And a set of goals, steps and tasks of how you think you might get to your final destination.

3. Write a business plan. Outline your product or service, company mission, marketing strategy, resources, financing, etc. Do your research and write out a step-by-step plan.

4. Create a squeeze page/opt-in page. A squeeze page will start attracting your target audience for you to start building your list of potential customers.

5. Create a website or a sales letter. Depending on what kind of product or service you sell, you will need a website or sales letter or even both.

6. Start driving traffic to your squeeze page. How do you get traffic? There are hundreds of ways you can do it. Some of them are: pay per click advertising, google, yahoo, msn, ebay, blogs, online communities like MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo, Twitter, press releases, articles, message boards, emails, joint ventures, etc.

7. After people land on your squeeze page, get their contact information and start sending them your sales letters or links to your websites with your products.

8. Believe in yourself and in the possibility of your vision to come true someday very soon. What do all successful entrepreneurs have in common? A Success blueprint. They are confident in their abilities and have faith that everything will work out one way or the other. Do just that. Remind yourself every day that your business is going to succeed and prosper and don’t let anything or anyone to discourage you. Faith is a huge thin; it can move mountains.

9. Get clear. Realize your fear and worries and consciously get rid of them. Remember, fear is just false evidence appearing real. Don’t let it stop you.

10. Visualize your success every day. Think about your final goal, the one you outlined in your Vision Map. Think about it every day. Think as if it already came true. Feel it. Smell it. It doesn’t matter if it still seems far away. Visualization will bring it to you faster than you can imagine.

Only this combination of marketing and business tips along with personal growth tips will ensure your success in the fastest way possible. Can you use just one side of this combination and still succeed? Sure you can, but why not to use all the tools to make sure your success comes faster and easier?

Article Source:
(my own article directory)

About the Author
Ilona Kravtsova is an expert in personal growth and marketing.

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